Monday, July 10, 2006

Bars Quilt Quilting

I guess I didn't explain what I was going to do to this quilt very well. I'm not used to typing my thoughts. I'm more of a talker. Some of you are very good at expressing your thought on your blog. I wish I was better. Any way. I thought maybe I should quilt a sample block. So I could get an idea of how it would look. Which I then turned in to a pot holder/glass coaster.

Originally I had seen an Antique quilt using this pattern and it was tied. So I thought I would combine tying it with quilting it. I am going to use all black but my embroidery thread is all ready moved to the new house. I did find some green so I used that. I hope this is a clearer explanation of my plans. Oh the bars are cut to measure 2" x 5 1/2 " before sewing. And the sashing is 3" wide before sewing.