Friday, September 1, 2006

No Quilt progress

What can I say no quilty things this week. Last week we took a short trip up to the NW corner of South Dakota. North of the Black Hills. The views over the landscape were breath taking. Nice to just spend time with my hubby no distractions.

No quilt progress.... I've been using the kitchen counter to cut my quilt an hour project. My good rotary cuter is packed some where in a box can't find it. I did find my old one with the nicked cutting wheel I've been using it and just being patient with it. Last week end we had guests so I picked my quilty mess up. Now this week I can't find my old rotary cutter. So I can't cut the sashing or the borders for the hour a day quilt. Is that sad or what? I've wasted enough time looking for both of them. I'm not going to break down and buy a new one am I? I hope one of them turns up soon. Can't wait till the basement gets finished. I have a small sewing/craft room planned. Not real big it's more like a big storage closet. But it will be nice to get my sewing stuff in one place and get it organized.

Here's a basket block I saved off an e-bay auction. I just love it.