Monday, July 30, 2007

Lancaster Indie Arts First Group Show

This dog is jumping for joy because Lancaster Indie Arts is having its first group show, "Dog Days of Summer", which we hung up today!

LIA members pictured left to right include myself, Katy, Rachel, Cinda, Maggie, Debbie, and Ann. Missing from picture is Deirdre who was busy teaching. Everyone's art will be in the show, and for more information please check out my blog post from July 6th.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dear Jane Blocks

The first 2 DJ blocks I made took forever to make. I made the patterns on EQ printed out the block pattern pieces, cut out the paper pattern pieces, pinned them to fabric, cut out the fabric and then finally could sew them up. So I thought there has to be a shorter way of making some of the blocks. Sunday I found all the 9 patch blocks. Found the piece dimensions by using EQ. Rotary cut strips of the back ground fabric and used my pre cut scraps and made all the blocks that were 9 patch. It went a lot faster. My next DJ blocks will be the 4 patch blocks.

Dear Jane Blocks

The first 2 DJ blocks I made took forever to make. I made the patterns on EQ printed out the block pattern pieces, cut out the paper pattern pieces, pinned them to fabric, cut out the fabric and then finally could sew them up. So I thought there has to be a shorter way of making some of the blocks. Sunday I found all the 9 patch blocks. Found the piece dimensions by using EQ. Rotary cut strips of the back ground fabric and used my pre cut scraps and made all the blocks that were 9 patch. It went a lot faster. My next DJ blocks will be the 4 patch blocks.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

King George

This is a close up of a small art quilt that I did. It features bits of vintage textiles and various buttons in addition to an old children's playing card from a game called "Snap". Although not shown in this photo, the piece hangs from a small branch wrapped with more vintage fabric. The words on the card read: "What if this branch should snap? Well! You know, I'm a reckless chap." Anyone care to guess why I called this reckless monkey-boy "King George"?

Basket Top

This is the next project I need to finish. 37 blocks done. I want to make 5 more blocks and then add a sawtooth border. Today I cut out the additional blocks and ironed the HST for the border. I don't usually like baskets that aren't standing upright but these I thought looked okay on their sides in a straight set. They just didn't look right when I lay them out in a diagonal set.

Basket Top

This is the next project I need to finish. 37 blocks done. I want to make 5 more blocks and then add a sawtooth border. Today I cut out the additional blocks and ironed the HST for the border. I don't usually like baskets that aren't standing upright but these I thought looked okay on their sides in a straight set. They just didn't look right when I lay them out in a diagonal set.

Jacob's Ladder

My hubby is out of town for the weekend. It's that time of year for the annual guys bike ride weekend. We have a Harley and in the summer we go riding allot. Once a year the guys go on this guy ride weekend thing(like the movie wild hogs). They have fun and have lots of stories when they get home. He left Friday afternoon and won't get back till Monday night. Soooooooooooooo I have a quilting weekend. And I am so in the mood to do some sewing. I organized my stash and sewing room earlier this week so I could really enjoy just sewing with out any interruptions.(I just get in that mood some times)
My first task was to sew up the Jacob's ladder blocks and come up with some kind of border. Ta Dah I have it done!!!

Jacob's Ladder

My hubby is out of town for the weekend. It's that time of year for the annual guys bike ride weekend. We have a Harley and in the summer we go riding allot. Once a year the guys go on this guy ride weekend thing(like the movie wild hogs). They have fun and have lots of stories when they get home. He left Friday afternoon and won't get back till Monday night. Soooooooooooooo I have a quilting weekend. And I am so in the mood to do some sewing. I organized my stash and sewing room earlier this week so I could really enjoy just sewing with out any interruptions.(I just get in that mood some times)
My first task was to sew up the Jacob's ladder blocks and come up with some kind of border. Ta Dah I have it done!!!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Star Doll Quit

This is the first project I made with my newly cut scraps. It was wonderful to just pick the pieces and they were all cut to size. It took about 10 min to pull the block pieces and I was ready to start sewing. The center squares are 2.5" before sewing. The corners of the blocks are 1.5" squares. For the star points units I used 1.5"x 2.5" bars. I sewed 1.5" squares across the corners folded them over (like a flying geese unit) . I used 2.5" strips for the borders. I still can't believe how easy it is to sew using my newly organized and cut scraps.

Star Doll Quit

This is the first project I made with my newly cut scraps. It was wonderful to just pick the pieces and they were all cut to size. It took about 10 min to pull the block pieces and I was ready to start sewing. The center squares are 2.5" before sewing. The corners of the blocks are 1.5" squares. For the star points units I used 1.5"x 2.5" bars. I sewed 1.5" squares across the corners folded them over (like a flying geese unit) . I used 2.5" strips for the borders. I still can't believe how easy it is to sew using my newly organized and cut scraps.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I've been cutting and cutting. I think one more day and I will have my scraps from the scrap bin all cut. I took this picture Sunday. By the time I'm done these tubs will be more then full. And yes Lucy cat has been a pest. I think she is saying pay some attention to me.

This Quilt is in the July/ August Issue of Fons and Porter's Love Of Quilting. It's also on the web site.
I just love it I've been craving red quilts lately. It would be a easy block. But it's the lay out and colors that I love.


I've been cutting and cutting. I think one more day and I will have my scraps from the scrap bin all cut. I took this picture Sunday. By the time I'm done these tubs will be more then full. And yes Lucy cat has been a pest. I think she is saying pay some attention to me.

This Quilt is in the July/ August Issue of Fons and Porter's Love Of Quilting. It's also on the web site.
I just love it I've been craving red quilts lately. It would be a easy block. But it's the lay out and colors that I love.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Molasses Update

I am so happy to report that Mo is doing much better today! By yesterday evening, she was so weak and tired she just slept and slept. We were unable to give her water, due to her being unable to keep it down, but she looked so dehydrated, that I would put just a few drops in her mouth every half hour or so. Throughout the night I would awake, making sure she was still okay, as she lay at the foot of the bed. This morning I awoke bright and early anxious to get her to the vets first thing. She still looked compleately drained, lying on the bed. But, miraculously about 45 minutes later, while I was still waiting for the vets office to open, she jumped out of bed, stretched, waged her tail, and galloped down the steps, anxious to start the day. I felt like I had just witnessed Lazarus' awakening. By the time we got her to the vets, she was looking the picture of health! What a relief, but what a mystery. The vet is as stumped as we are. More tests, and more meds, but for now we are doing good. And you can't ask for much more than that!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Molasses Boodil

This is our beloved dog, Molasses Boodil, the greatest dog on the face of the planet. We call her Mo for short, along with apx. 100 other various nick-names, (including Silly Boodilly) and she answers to every one. On Halloween she enjoys dressing up as a pirate, or as her alter ego, Spike Plaploski. At Christmas she eagerly opens all of her presents, and will try to open everyone elses if she feels they are going too slowly. Molasses adores her toys, walks, car rides and most of all belly rubs. She has great disdain for cats, but is very gentle with all the wild bunnies that visit our yard. She knows an amazing array of tricks, and loves to be the center of attention, but is never annoying or pushy... not her style...she is one cool dog.

We got her when she was still a pup, seems like yesterday but it was 10 years ago already. She was a runaway, that the pound picked up one day as she was hiking down the road. Covered with ticks, and full of buck shot. Yep, someone actually shot her repeatedly with BB's. you can feel them under her skin, mostly on her back legs, but other places as well. an x-ray of her one paw shows a BB and the unset bone that healed from the wound, but left her paw to flip out a bit at a funny angle. Despite her early months, when she was on her own, she is a model of forgiveness, reminding me with her gentle disposition and big brown eyes of one of my favorite quotes, " Forgiveness is the sweet sent of the violet that still clings to the heel that crushed it."

Molasses has made us laugh, or brought our hearts to near bursting with love every single day since we were blessed with her. I am feeling at a loss because she keeps getting sick this last month and a half. And so far no one can figure out what is causing it. She will be fine and dandy for days or weeks even, then all of a sudden gets really sick, over and over. Tomorrow we will take her to the vets again, third time in 6 weeks. I hope the third time is the charm and they can figure out what is going on. And I pray that it isn't anything serious. I just want her to feel better, and to live forever... and to know how much I love her.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hot off the Press!

Somerset Studio

Three pieces of my artwork were choosen to be included in the "Expressions" section of the current issue of Somerset Studio. (July/August 2007). Pictured along with my 3 pieces, ( which are the top two and the bottom right) is the artwork of Kristen Robinson, (bottom left). The theme for this issue was "Natured Preserved". It is always a thrill to see one's artwork published, and I encourage anyone who is interested to try submitting to some of the wonderful art and craft publications that are being published today! You can often find submission guidelines, and any current themes or challenges in the magazine itself, or go online to their web sites where the guidelines will be posted.


I was delighted when Stampington and Company choose to reprint one of my articles and some of my artwork in their newest edition of "HandCrafted", (vol.3, pages 163 to 165). The article is on making small memory boxes, shrines and/or keepsakes from small altered tins. It originally appeared in their 2004 Autumn publication of Legacy. Some lovely artwork from other artists who contributed to this article, such as Glenda Bailey's round tin pictured in the upper left hand corner, appear as well. Be sure to check it out!

Monday, July 9, 2007


This morning started off with a fun treat when my husband came home after running a few errands and told me to grab my camera, he had something to show me. Off we went down the road, me giddy with anticipation, wondering what he had come across on his travels. About two miles from our house, I spotted his surprise!

I adore, ( As my husband knew I would) this marvelous new road side addition, smack dab out in the country, overlooking farmfields and rolling hills. It will make me smile everytime I get to drive past it!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Tame the Monster

It's time to tame the monster. I can't keep stepping in the scrap box to make the fabric fit. It is just exploding out of the tub.

I went to Bonnie's Quiltville and read over her scrap saver plan. And got started. Not sure what to do with the triangles.

This is going to take awhile. But it will be so nice when I use scraps. Not sure how I will store them. Don't think these tubs will be big enough.

Tame the Monster

It's time to tame the monster. I can't keep stepping in the scrap box to make the fabric fit. It is just exploding out of the tub.

I went to Bonnie's Quiltville and read over her scrap saver plan. And got started. Not sure what to do with the triangles.

This is going to take awhile. But it will be so nice when I use scraps. Not sure how I will store them. Don't think these tubs will be big enough.

Friday, July 6, 2007

"Dog Days of Summer" Art Exhibit

I am excited to announce that the Lancaster Indie Arts group, which I am proud to be a member of, will be having their first group showing! A themed show entitled " The Dog Days of Summer". Above is our show announcement, (just click on the image to see it larger) that was designed by LIA's Magdalen C. Mowery, and featuring our new logo designed by LIA's Ann Kimmich. Pictured clockwise starting in the upper left hand corner is artwork by; Rachel-Marie, Deirdre Foley Citro, Deborah S. Serdy, Cinda Collins, Victoria Gertenbach, and Magdalen C. Mowery. Above the announcement is pictured one of my pieces that will be appearing in the show. Show runs from August 1st until September 1st, with an artist reception on Friday August 10th from 7-9pm. The Gallery exhibiting the show is State if the Art Custom Framing & Gallery, located at 1945 State St., East Petersburg, Pa. 17520. For more information call the gallery at (717) 581-0767. If you are in the area, please be sure to drop by and see this diverse and fun show!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I am so happy that there seems to be a renewed interest in aprons. They are extremly fun, fashionable and practicle! Terriffic for quickly adding alittle zing to plain old jeans, or an ordinary skirt. These two flower print aprons were made from a never before used vintage bedsheet from the 1960's.