Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sewing, sewing and more sewing.......

I am getting quite stressed out about all the sewing I have to do - 5 quilts to finish and duvet covers, sheets and pillow cases etc to make as well as loads of uniforms to mark. My eldest son is off to boarding school next year - it is amazing how much gear he needs for school. Marking uniforms is not fun but it has to be done so I suppose I need to take a deep breath, relax and start at one end and slowly work my way through the pile of stuff that needs doing. I think I am also getting quite anxious about him leaving home and going away to school - he is only 10 years old. Before you ask, why he is going to boarding school so young, he has gained acceptance into one of the best boys' choir schools in the world..... what an awesome opportunity for him. We cannot deny him it but.....the reality is that he is leaving home at 10 years old. I am starting to feel quite sad about it......... About the deep breath etc......