Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I've started to make a spool quilt. I have alot of blue fabric in my stash and a few reds/pinks to make this color palette work. I love scrappy quilts. I did a few sample blocks and really like the way the blocks sew up.

The blue and black fabric in the top right hand side block I've had in my stash for forever. Never before found a quilt that it looks good in. This quilt will be the perfect place to use it up. I'm going to use it for the binding and cut the rest up to use in the blocks I have 2 1/2 yards of it. It's great to get it out of the stash.


I've started to make a spool quilt. I have alot of blue fabric in my stash and a few reds/pinks to make this color palette work. I love scrappy quilts. I did a few sample blocks and really like the way the blocks sew up.

The blue and black fabric in the top right hand side block I've had in my stash for forever. Never before found a quilt that it looks good in. This quilt will be the perfect place to use it up. I'm going to use it for the binding and cut the rest up to use in the blocks I have 2 1/2 yards of it. It's great to get it out of the stash.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

French Knots

Of all the embroidery stitches, I believe that the french knot is and always has been my favorite. I was probably around 9 or 10 years old when I first learned how to make one, and I thought it was magic! In 10th grade I got kicked out of my math class for embroidering while the teacher lectured, (sorry but it was the only way I could keep from falling asleep!). I had to report to the principal's office for my punishment. After explaining to the secretary why I was sent down to see the principle, she smiled and requested to see my embroidery. I still remember how kind she was, telling me that my french knots were beautiful, and letting me skip seeing the principle and allowing me to go hang out in the library. The librarian was equally kind to me, and said that any time a teacher did not want me in their class, (something that happened more then once) I was more then welcome to come spend my time in the library!

Pictured above is the latest in my small art quilt series. I call it "Amoeba in Pink and Green". It features approximately 275 french knots. They are just like eating potato chips, I just can't stop at one!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Under the Sea

I have finally finished this quilt and it looks great. I am posting photos of the whole quilt so you can see the overall effect. It is a traditional quilt using a combination of traditional and non traditional fabrics. What I find interesting is that the blocks look as though they are not straight in the sashing - they are, it is just use of colours that creates the effect. It is actually a study in colour using a traditional vehicle. The fish look as though they are randomly swimming in the blue quilt sea.

The next photo is a close up of a couple of the blocks. You can see the hearts that I have quilted on the sashing. My son David calls them "Mom's loving hearts" and they have become a trademark on all the quilts I make.

The last photo is one a close up of my stipple quilting. (Sorry, this photo is a bit blurred.....) I have finally mastered free motion stipple quilting and am rather proud of myself. Now I can't wait to put the quilt together so I can quilt the top with my free motion foot. :LOL It's amazing how our attitudes change...... At first I was scared of free motion quilting. Now I can't wait to do the quilting.....

More crazy patch fish quilts you ask? Well..... I love the crazy patch design and had some fish material in my stash...... so a friend's little boy has a fish quilt. I guess I enjoy doing traditional designs in between the hectic creative spells. It relaxes my mind and allows me to think of new designs while I am sewing these quilts. I also love the unpredictablility of a crazy patch quilt. There is no way of knowing how the quilts are going to turn out when made up into a quilt. Each block is similar yet different so it is a always a suprise to see what the quilt looks like when it is done. I love the fact that the blocks don't look straight. They look as though they have been randomly placed between the sashing and yet..... every block is square and the same size. How to create chaos out of order....... :LOL. I love it.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Scrappy Bargello

I've also been sewing strips for this Bargello from Quiltville I'm surprised at how well the squares in the strips line up. This top is really going to go fast.

Scrappy Bargello

I've also been sewing strips for this Bargello from Quiltville I'm surprised at how well the squares in the strips line up. This top is really going to go fast.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pine Burr Block Quilt

I have these blocks all done not really I made 25 for a smaller quilt instead of the 36 I had originally planed. They have been a challenge. It's hard to work on blocks you started over 2 years ago and lost interest in. I still love the way the black fabric looks in these blocks. Now to square them up and sew up the top.

The pattern is from Quilterscache

Pine Burr Block Quilt

I have these blocks all done not really I made 25 for a smaller quilt instead of the 36 I had originally planed. They have been a challenge. It's hard to work on blocks you started over 2 years ago and lost interest in. I still love the way the black fabric looks in these blocks. Now to square them up and sew up the top.

The pattern is from Quilterscache

Jacob's Ladder

I've been busy sewing and quilting since the first of the year I just have been working all day and haven't had a chance to get any good pictures of my progress. Here is my 1st attempt at machine quilting. I practiced on some trial pieces and decided to take the plunge. It is so addictive and so much faster then hand sewing. I know there are probably glaring mistakes and somethings I did wonderful. But overall for my first attempt I am very satisfied. I hope to get the binding sewed on this afternoon and work on hand sewing it down this weekend.

Jacob's Ladder

I've been busy sewing and quilting since the first of the year I just have been working all day and haven't had a chance to get any good pictures of my progress. Here is my 1st attempt at machine quilting. I practiced on some trial pieces and decided to take the plunge. It is so addictive and so much faster then hand sewing. I know there are probably glaring mistakes and somethings I did wonderful. But overall for my first attempt I am very satisfied. I hope to get the binding sewed on this afternoon and work on hand sewing it down this weekend.

Postage Stamp

Here we are my first finish for 2008. This quilt was mostly quilted at the first of the year I quilted about a row of blocks and the border. Added the binding and sewed it down. I really needed some motivation to just start on it agine so I could get it done. The blocks were made as enders and starters I always have a stack of 1 1/2 inch squares sitting by my sewing machine before I new it I had enough blocks to do a quilt. Right now I looking for a another lay out to use up the blocks I've made since I pieced this top together.

Postage Stamp

Here we are my first finish for 2008. This quilt was mostly quilted at the first of the year I quilted about a row of blocks and the border. Added the binding and sewed it down. I really needed some motivation to just start on it agine so I could get it done. The blocks were made as enders and starters I always have a stack of 1 1/2 inch squares sitting by my sewing machine before I new it I had enough blocks to do a quilt. Right now I looking for a another lay out to use up the blocks I've made since I pieced this top together.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Baby Animals Duvet Cover

My first duvet cover..... I made this single bed duvet cover for my eldest son to take with him to boarding school. It turned out really well, even if I say so myself :LOL. I made a black pillowcase and a black sheet to match it. The duvet cover border is a dark cream leopard print which highlights the main print. The back of the cover is black sheeting.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Happy Little Amoebas

Here are a couple of new amoeba illustrations. Hoping to turn them into art quilts this week. Small amoeba paintings are also on my to do list and I am thinking of making a little amoeba coloring book! Below is a picture of my first amoeba quilt which I made the other week.

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year, New Look, New Direction

I hope everyone had a very nice holiday, and that the new year is off to a good start. I know that this time of year can be difficult for some of us who can't help but be reminded of how quickly time passes and how much we miss certain loved ones. Five years ago, on December 26th my father passed away. It was difficult for me to realize that so much time had passed. My girls were still little when he died, one in elementary school and one in middle school. Now my youngest is a teenager and my oldest an adult in college. I ache thinking of how much time we all missed. I can't help but to feel a bit cheated for my kids, that they didn't have him in their lives for a longer period of time. And I feel grateful for the time we did have, and blessed with the certainty that he indeed is still present in our lives, watching over us, and rooting for us as we find our way in this life.

With the new year here I found myself looking for some change. The artistic path I have been on was starting to feel too familiar, like walking a trail and passing the same tree over and over. It was a lovely path but I was ready for a little change, and so I have done a few simple things. I changed the look of the blog a bit, and added a new banner. I also changed my Etsy banner to this one and made a matching avatar. Also for the time being, I have put aside making my vintage and retro inspired gift items and have started concentrating more on illustrating and making art quilts, (which is what I use to do almost exclusively a few years ago).

I am having loads of fun with this new series of small embroidered art quilts. They are based on little, loose styled drawings that I do on my computer. The red and white one pictured above is called "Pathway" and the one pictured below is called "Extrovert and Introvert". (Also pictured below is the drawing that I based it on.) These and others can be found in my Etsy store, and I will be posting more as I make them.