Monday, January 21, 2008

Under the Sea

I have finally finished this quilt and it looks great. I am posting photos of the whole quilt so you can see the overall effect. It is a traditional quilt using a combination of traditional and non traditional fabrics. What I find interesting is that the blocks look as though they are not straight in the sashing - they are, it is just use of colours that creates the effect. It is actually a study in colour using a traditional vehicle. The fish look as though they are randomly swimming in the blue quilt sea.

The next photo is a close up of a couple of the blocks. You can see the hearts that I have quilted on the sashing. My son David calls them "Mom's loving hearts" and they have become a trademark on all the quilts I make.

The last photo is one a close up of my stipple quilting. (Sorry, this photo is a bit blurred.....) I have finally mastered free motion stipple quilting and am rather proud of myself. Now I can't wait to put the quilt together so I can quilt the top with my free motion foot. :LOL It's amazing how our attitudes change...... At first I was scared of free motion quilting. Now I can't wait to do the quilting.....

More crazy patch fish quilts you ask? Well..... I love the crazy patch design and had some fish material in my stash...... so a friend's little boy has a fish quilt. I guess I enjoy doing traditional designs in between the hectic creative spells. It relaxes my mind and allows me to think of new designs while I am sewing these quilts. I also love the unpredictablility of a crazy patch quilt. There is no way of knowing how the quilts are going to turn out when made up into a quilt. Each block is similar yet different so it is a always a suprise to see what the quilt looks like when it is done. I love the fact that the blocks don't look straight. They look as though they have been randomly placed between the sashing and yet..... every block is square and the same size. How to create chaos out of order....... :LOL. I love it.