Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Left Overs and Crumbs

Last week as I was cleaning my sewing room. I came across a lot of left over quilt parts. Strip piecing ends, wonky blocks, crooked HST, sample blocks, and so on some in plastic baggies others pinned together. Saving these for something? I tried to fit them all in my orphan block tub but they would not fit.
I guess that's a sign that you need to do something with them. So I stared sewing crumb blocks found some maroon fabric that needed to be used for something and sewed up this top. It was nice to just sew and not have to worry about things lining up or points matching. Here is a close up of some of the blocks. I kind of got addicted.
So my orphan blocks are now at a manageable size.
My crumb tub I now realise has pieces that are to small to be of any good. Any thing less then an inch just is not worth sewing you don't end up with much after the seams. Need to spend some time cleaning them out.
I should start a string quilt to use up the strings I have.
And then there is this mess.Leftover triangles I'm sure there's enough for a couple quilts. Maybe a lady of the lake, or a flying geese. I'll need to do some pattern searching and come up with something. I guess some people would just throw them out. I guess I'm just a scrap saver.