Sunday, November 16, 2008

East End Cake Decoraing Club - Nov. 16th Meeting, Cookie Decorating

A group of us from the EECD brought baked cookies and had a great time decorating them for various charities. Between the fifteen of us we decorated and individually packaged about 150 cookies. There were lots of pre-made decorations which everyone shared and the results showed such a variety of techniques and design. We paused half way through for tea, coffee and lots of goodies, and still had everything packaged up just after 4pm, in a little over 2 hours.

December's meeting will be a workshop on making graham cracker "gingerbread" houses, a sleigh, and a "show and tell" by members who have interesting tools or projects. More info on the date and time soon.
P.S. Here's the recipe for Lemon Curd

1 cup white sugar....4 eggs, well beaten (I remove those bits that are attached to the yolks).....1/4 lb. butter.......Rind of 2 lemons......Juice of 3 lemons

Mix together and cook in a double boiler until thick. Stir often. Takes about 20 mins. or less.