Monday, March 2, 2009

How can you look so beautiful, and smell so awful??

Dear Flowering Pear:

Every year I look forward to the time when you decide it's time to put on your spring party dress and dazzle everyone in town. Your designer's taste is impeccable--classic, white, lacy, voluptuous, absolutely exquisite. And when you decide to get together and party with your fellow flowering pears, I have to say, well, you are absolutely breathtaking. Which brings me to my point...

...and this is really hard for me to bring up as it is rather personal, but you smell, do I put this delicately? Okay, I'll just come right out and say it. You smell awful. Maybe no one's actually brought this to your attention before, but you smell, um, like fish.

It just seems like such a fashion faux pas. Maybe you could get some suggestions from ever-so-sweet-smelling cherry blossom. She'll never be quite as dazzling as you, but she sure smells good.

Your adoring fan (but from a distance....)