I don't know if I have ever mentioned my delight at all things organized. (Just don't ask anyone who has seen my office, because for some reason it seems to exist in a state of perpetual disorganization, so they won't believe it when I claim to enjoy organization.) I am obsessed with selvage edges and have been for quite some time. The names of the fabric lines are fascinating, the color dots along the edge, one for each color used in printing that particular fabric. Ahh....well, I could spend hours looking through all the selvages I have collected.
When I started making my pincushions, it soon became obvious that I was going with a "theme" for each pincushion. I have seen quite a few things made with selvages. In fact, there is a blog devoted to nothing else. But everything I have seen just seems to use whatever is handy. And I'm totally okay with that. But then I started having fun with my little theme game. And this is some of what I came up with:
Lightning Bugs (all Heather Ross selvages). And if you are at all familiar with Heather Ross, you know that at least two of these fabric lines are no longer available, which makes these selvages an endangered species!