Saturday, December 2, 2006

Dresden Plate

I decided to take a little inventory today. I collected all the blocks I was working on. In my purse, in the car, at work, by the TV. And I have 10 blocks done. I only have 6 left to go. I sewed 8 together so this top is now half done. Wow I didn't think I'd ever get anywhere on this top. The hand sewing just seamed like it was going so slow. I think I could actually get this done by the first of the year.

I also thought I would share what my front door looks like decorated for Christmas.
The front entry is right by the open stairway that goes down to the basement. Just
encase you are wondering what that railing is for.

Dresden Plate

I decided to take a little inventory today. I collected all the blocks I was working on. In my purse, in the car, at work, by the TV. And I have 10 blocks done. I only have 6 left to go. I sewed 8 together so this top is now half done. Wow I didn't think I'd ever get anywhere on this top. The hand sewing just seamed like it was going so slow. I think I could actually get this done by the first of the year.

I also thought I would share what my front door looks like decorated for Christmas.
The front entry is right by the open stairway that goes down to the basement. Just
encase you are wondering what that railing is for.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Attic Treasures Finnish

I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!!! I had my family over (brothers, sisters, nieces, parents, and our own kids). Total count is 16. We had a wonderful time. It's good to get together with the whole family every once and a while.

At last after sewing on and off this weekend I have this top done. The blocks are 6" square. And there are 144 of them. The quilt is 72" square. Mark off another UFO on the list. Now to pick another UFO to focus on.

Attic Treasures Finnish

I'd like to wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!!! I had my family over (brothers, sisters, nieces, parents, and our own kids). Total count is 16. We had a wonderful time. It's good to get together with the whole family every once and a while.

At last after sewing on and off this weekend I have this top done. The blocks are 6" square. And there are 144 of them. The quilt is 72" square. Mark off another UFO on the list. Now to pick another UFO to focus on.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Dear Jane

Oh look what I bought. I've been looking for the Dear Jane book for awhile. Thinking about buying it for even longer. I know I could of ordered online. But I've been waiting. I was at the local quilt shop looking through there books when I spied it. All the shops I've looked at have never had it on hand so I've never really seen the real book before. So I treated myself and bought it. The price was the same as on line. I also bought some printed muslin for the background. Now I'm so excited I don't know what block to start with. It's fun just looking through the book. I'm going to hold off starting until after Thanksgiving. I have all four days of the weekend off from work I want to take my time and enjoy making the blocks. I'm sure it will take a long time to complete.

Dear Jane

Oh look what I bought. I've been looking for the Dear Jane book for awhile. Thinking about buying it for even longer. I know I could of ordered online. But I've been waiting. I was at the local quilt shop looking through there books when I spied it. All the shops I've looked at have never had it on hand so I've never really seen the real book before. So I treated myself and bought it. The price was the same as on line. I also bought some printed muslin for the background. Now I'm so excited I don't know what block to start with. It's fun just looking through the book. I'm going to hold off starting until after Thanksgiving. I have all four days of the weekend off from work I want to take my time and enjoy making the blocks. I'm sure it will take a long time to complete.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Whirly bird Quilt

I finally got this quilt finished. It started out as orphan hst that were sewn into pinwheels. Then matched into blocks of 4 with not all of them matching perfectly by color and direction. It truly is a scrappy thing. And it is totally made from stash.

Whirly bird Quilt

I finally got this quilt finished. It started out as orphan hst that were sewn into pinwheels. Then matched into blocks of 4 with not all of them matching perfectly by color and direction. It truly is a scrappy thing. And it is totally made from stash.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Attic Treasures

I've been working on the attic blocks this week. I have all the pieces cut out. Now I just have to sew sew sew.

Here's a close up picture of the blocks. I'm making the small 4 patch with strips. The finished blocks are 6 1/2 " square. The small 4 patches are cut at 1 1/4" so when I get them together they make 2" squares. The larger squares in the blocks are cut 3 1/2" square.

Sew Sew Sew lots of chain sewing.

Attic Treasures

I've been working on the attic blocks this week. I have all the pieces cut out. Now I just have to sew sew sew.

Here's a close up picture of the blocks. I'm making the small 4 patch with strips. The finished blocks are 6 1/2 " square. The small 4 patches are cut at 1 1/4" so when I get them together they make 2" squares. The larger squares in the blocks are cut 3 1/2" square.

Sew Sew Sew lots of chain sewing.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Attic Treasures

Here's the attic treasures blocks I've been working on. It's a good stash busting pattern. I'm not sure what lay out I'm going to use. I might have to play with them and come up with a combination of these 2 layouts. I have about a third of the blocks done. Now it's back to the stash to cut up some more pieces for more blocks.

The basket blocks are comming along I have 8 more handles to aplique. I think I'm going to make this into a baby quilt instead of a full size quilt. Don't know who I'll give it to but someday I'll need it for a gift.

Attic Treasures

Here's the attic treasures blocks I've been working on. It's a good stash busting pattern. I'm not sure what lay out I'm going to use. I might have to play with them and come up with a combination of these 2 layouts. I have about a third of the blocks done. Now it's back to the stash to cut up some more pieces for more blocks.

The basket blocks are comming along I have 8 more handles to aplique. I think I'm going to make this into a baby quilt instead of a full size quilt. Don't know who I'll give it to but someday I'll need it for a gift.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Sorry I haven't posted for a while. My life has just got real hectic. Here's a photo of my plant. Can't remember what it's called starts with an A. A friend of mine stopped by and ooohed and ahhhhed over it said it was hard to grow??? She said her father grew them. I wasn't paying much attention to it and then one day I noticed it was starting to bloom and it is just gorgeous. It bloomed last summer and I thought It wasn't going to this summer but it did. I think it helped putting it by the patio door it gets more light there. I promise to post tomorrow about what I've been working on quilt wise.


Sorry I haven't posted for a while. My life has just got real hectic. Here's a photo of my plant. Can't remember what it's called starts with an A. A friend of mine stopped by and ooohed and ahhhhed over it said it was hard to grow??? She said her father grew them. I wasn't paying much attention to it and then one day I noticed it was starting to bloom and it is just gorgeous. It bloomed last summer and I thought It wasn't going to this summer but it did. I think it helped putting it by the patio door it gets more light there. I promise to post tomorrow about what I've been working on quilt wise.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Little Baskets

Finally got my sewing room/closet in order. I sat down to do some sewing and the project I wanted to work on didn't have any blocks cut so I settled on these little basket blocks I started last November. I have 36 blocks total. They are 6" blocks.
I have about 8 blocks left to sew. And about 12 handles to applique yet. I had trouble with the handles. So mine are different then in the original pattern. They also are not very uniform from block to block. I may redo the worst 2 or 3. And live with the rest. I think I'm going to do an alternate block with the green fabric in the picture. The one with the little squares I think it's called stepping stones. The one that Judy has in her tree quilt. That's what I worked on last weekend.

Little Baskets

Finally got my sewing room/closet in order. I sat down to do some sewing and the project I wanted to work on didn't have any blocks cut so I settled on these little basket blocks I started last November. I have 36 blocks total. They are 6" blocks.
I have about 8 blocks left to sew. And about 12 handles to applique yet. I had trouble with the handles. So mine are different then in the original pattern. They also are not very uniform from block to block. I may redo the worst 2 or 3. And live with the rest. I think I'm going to do an alternate block with the green fabric in the picture. The one with the little squares I think it's called stepping stones. The one that Judy has in her tree quilt. That's what I worked on last weekend.

Little Baskets

Here is the original pattern for the little baskets it came from Quilter's Newsletter Magazine April 2002.

Little Baskets

Here is the original pattern for the little baskets it came from Quilter's Newsletter Magazine April 2002.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Judy's challenge finished

Sorry about the bad picture I have to come up with a better way to take pictures of my quilts.

I finished Judy's 1 hour quilt. I don't think that I am going to add any more borders couldn't find a fabric that looked right. The binding will match the tan.
I made an extra row of blocks to make up for less borders. I just wanted the little squares around the blocks to stand out the most when you look at the quilt. I'll have to send Judy a picture when I get a better picture. And also a big thank you to Judy for doing this project. I can't wait till the next one.

Judy's challenge finished

Sorry about the bad picture I have to come up with a better way to take pictures of my quilts.

I finished Judy's 1 hour quilt. I don't think that I am going to add any more borders couldn't find a fabric that looked right. The binding will match the tan.
I made an extra row of blocks to make up for less borders. I just wanted the little squares around the blocks to stand out the most when you look at the quilt. I'll have to send Judy a picture when I get a better picture. And also a big thank you to Judy for doing this project. I can't wait till the next one.

Tuesday, September 5, 2006


The long week end sure went fast. But I got a lot of things done around the house. And the time off from work was nice.
On the quilty side I've had these scraps laying around for a while a project that didn't work out. So I decided to make drink coasters out of them. A quick little project. Almost got them done.


The long week end sure went fast. But I got a lot of things done around the house. And the time off from work was nice.
On the quilty side I've had these scraps laying around for a while a project that didn't work out. So I decided to make drink coasters out of them. A quick little project. Almost got them done.

Friday, September 1, 2006

No Quilt progress

What can I say no quilty things this week. Last week we took a short trip up to the NW corner of South Dakota. North of the Black Hills. The views over the landscape were breath taking. Nice to just spend time with my hubby no distractions.

No quilt progress.... I've been using the kitchen counter to cut my quilt an hour project. My good rotary cuter is packed some where in a box can't find it. I did find my old one with the nicked cutting wheel I've been using it and just being patient with it. Last week end we had guests so I picked my quilty mess up. Now this week I can't find my old rotary cutter. So I can't cut the sashing or the borders for the hour a day quilt. Is that sad or what? I've wasted enough time looking for both of them. I'm not going to break down and buy a new one am I? I hope one of them turns up soon. Can't wait till the basement gets finished. I have a small sewing/craft room planned. Not real big it's more like a big storage closet. But it will be nice to get my sewing stuff in one place and get it organized.

Here's a basket block I saved off an e-bay auction. I just love it.

No Quilt progress

What can I say no quilty things this week. Last week we took a short trip up to the NW corner of South Dakota. North of the Black Hills. The views over the landscape were breath taking. Nice to just spend time with my hubby no distractions.

No quilt progress.... I've been using the kitchen counter to cut my quilt an hour project. My good rotary cuter is packed some where in a box can't find it. I did find my old one with the nicked cutting wheel I've been using it and just being patient with it. Last week end we had guests so I picked my quilty mess up. Now this week I can't find my old rotary cutter. So I can't cut the sashing or the borders for the hour a day quilt. Is that sad or what? I've wasted enough time looking for both of them. I'm not going to break down and buy a new one am I? I hope one of them turns up soon. Can't wait till the basement gets finished. I have a small sewing/craft room planned. Not real big it's more like a big storage closet. But it will be nice to get my sewing stuff in one place and get it organized.

Here's a basket block I saved off an e-bay auction. I just love it.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Judy's Challange

I finished my squares border today. My favorite part of the pattern I think are the little squares so I wanted them to stand out the most. I made my squares by cutting strips 6" long sewing these strips and then cutting them for the border

This is really fun seeing everyone's quilts they are all so different.

Judy's Challange

I finished my squares border today. My favorite part of the pattern I think are the little squares so I wanted them to stand out the most. I made my squares by cutting strips 6" long sewing these strips and then cutting them for the border

This is really fun seeing everyone's quilts they are all so different.