Thursday, November 29, 2007

Stash Reduction

I think I'll join in on the stash reduction. I feel like I'm confessing. (lol) I did a rough estimate I've figured I have about 500 yards of fabric. It fits in its designated space and is not stashed all over the place. It is very organized. I keep my scraps cut using Bonnie Hunters scrap saver system. I love my stash and I enjoy playing with it. But there are a few pieces that have been hording space and 500 is a lot of fabric. I have 2 types of fabric I would like to bust (reduce). First ugly pieces meaning pieces that are off colors I don't use or like and they are just ugly or not quilt worthy. Second pieces I have large amounts of 3, 5, 8 yards etc. I seem to save these and am afraid to use them. Thinking that when I do finally find the perfect quilt for that piece I'll be 5" short because I used it in another scrap quilt. So this week I targeted these 2 fabrics. The purple is a ugly one I have 2 yds of it
and the green is a large piece
I've had for about 3 years
there is 8 yds of it.
First the green. I cut borders for the split rail fence quilt. I thought it looked really good with the other colors on the quilt.
Then I used it in the backing along with some 17" squares left over from another project. I then cut some 72" strips for a strip quilt I'm planning on making.(More on it later) I also decided to make this

Scrappy Bargello

from Bonnie Hunters web site. I'm going to use the ugly purple for some of the squares along with some of the green. Then border the quilt with the purple and use the green for binding. Here are all the strips for the squares. I'm going to use them for starters and enders. So as a tally the 2 yards of purple is used up. And I have 2 yards of the green left. A nice amount I can sneak it in to a few scrap quilts. I guess I have a few weeks of sewing before I start cutting into more of my stash.