Monday, May 5, 2008

Damsels in Distress

Today I had rescheduled Mum's Vit.B12 injection to coincide with my trip to the fracture clinic. After both appointments were successfully completed we had a Tim's coffee and some Tim-bits at the hospital coffee shop and made our way to where the bus picks up hospital passengers. It's not the normal spot as the hospital is under lots of construction.

We waited on the grassy verge for awhile, and when we saw the bus entering the area, we got up and I "flagged" it (it's called a "flag" bus). In that short few seconds when I stepped of the curb, Mum also stepped off the curb and fell backwards onto the grass, and the bus just ignored us and drove right by. Mum tried to get up by herself but collapsed again. She finally got on her feet, unhurt. I was angry at the bus driver and I was near to tears.

It just happened that a van with a couple of men saw the whole incident. This story has a very happy ending. The van was full of construction stuff so one of them said: stay right there I'll be back with my car. True to his word in a few minutes he picked us up. In the back seat was a pair of crutches and it turned out that he also had been at the fracture clinic with a broken foot. Talk about our knight in shining armour - thank you Jamie from Ajax with the broken foot.