Sunday, June 15, 2008

East End Cake Decorating Club

EECD's final meeting of the 2007/8 year was held today at St. Margaret's in the Pines Church in Scarborough. The annual Cake Decorating Contest took place, having been postponed a couple of times due to bad weather and a confliction of dates with the CSSA (Canadian Society of Sugar Arts). Even though it was Father's Day, we had eight cakes entered, 6 in the Advanced category and two in the Intermediate. They were all beautiful with quite a variety of shapes, designs, and colours. ...........................Cakes on Display.............................

Advanced 1st Place

Advanced 2nd Place

Advanced 3rd Place

Intermediate 1st Place

................................Intermediate 2nd Place....................................

Winners are:

Intermediate Division (2 entries), 1st place Savina Burdo, 2nd place Shirley Peters

Advanced Division: 1st place Glenys Davies, 2nd place Jean Skinner, 3rd place Diane Matheson.

Congratulations to everyone.

We all enjoyed a good selection of pot luck goodies with a nice cup of tea or coffee while we discussed elections for the new Executive to take over in September.

...................................Some of our members .................................

It was suggested that the monthly meetings, beginning in September should be workshop style. Most members would prefer a hands-on meeting compared to a demonstration. Each month a member or a couple of members would run a demonstration. Members would bring their own supplies and share cutters if they did not have what was needed. All members would have input into the content of workshops.
It was also decided that there would be one charge for membership. The first meeting a new person attended would be free, and membership fee would be required at the next meeting that person attended.
Elections for the new Executive are normally held at this last meeting of the season, but due to the low turnout elections per se were not held. However, several positions were filled by volunteers:
Diane Kingston & Cynthia - Treasurers
Verdie Jackson: Membership - keep records of members and fees
Shirley Peters: Raffle Table - organize prizes and sell/manage tickets
Tea & Coffee - provide refreshments
Diane Matheson: Communication - e-mail members with information

The first meeting after the summer break will be Sunday 21st September, from 2pm to 4pm at St. Margaret's in the Pines. Annual membership fees will be due at that time, and the Executive will be finalized at that meeting.

The demonstration in September will be QUILLING. More information will be e-mailed early in September.