Thursday, September 25, 2008

9 patch Cross

This one makes 5 weeks in a row I finished quilting a top. Whew!! After 5 I think I can take a break. I'm going away this weekend and next weekend. I want to do some Dear Jane blocks and Judy's BOM. I also now have 5 quilts that need binding.
I had trouble quilting this one when my machine hit the printed muslin it would skip stitches. I tried adjusting the tension changing needles and nothing seamed to help. The Dolly Madison quilt I made with some of the same muslin and didn't have a problem but, the batting is thicker on this 9 patch. The printed pattern on the muslin is sort of a rubberised paint or dye that is on top of the fabric not woven in I think that was causing the problem. So after a lot of frogging(stitch removal) I gave up and made a change of plans. I didn't quilt the muslin and tied those blocks instead. I like the finale result. I think I could make another quilt using this pattern I really like it.