Monday, January 19, 2009

UFO days, Start of School, Empty Nests and things....

The first UFO day is this coming saturday. I am so looking forward to it. I wonder what I should work on.......where to start. Lots of photos are forthcoming - the blog will no longer look so plain :LOL. I miss the bright photos on my blog.

The eldest son was dropped off at his boarding school yesterday afternoon to start the school year today. The house is so quiet. I miss his singing and cheerful "noise". The other 2 kids start school tomorrow and wednesday respectively. They are in day school so need to be dropped off every morning and collected every afternoon. The daughter will be playing sport most afternoons of the week all afternoon so life will soon be back to it's usual hectic self. Life with triplets is certainly interesting. It is actually awesome watching each child grow and develop into the best he/she can be. I love watching it. Maybe there is a series of quilts in that :LOL

All the baby kittens are sold. The last 2 are being collected this weekend. The house will really be empty then, until the next litter of kittens is born - should be last week in Feb - can't wait.