Sue has a great support system and several of us are taking turns keeping her company on chemotherapy days, twice a week for two weeks, and then a week off, and then a few more cycles.
I was with her for Monday's treatment, which takes up a good part of the day. She is in a comfy recliner, one of many in the room, nearly all of them occupied. Cancer does not discriminate. Young, old, male, female, every nationality.
Bag after bag is hung and slowly dripped through her IV: anti-nausea, pain killer, chemo drugs, saline.
Now I'm not saying the Demerol (pain killer) made Sue loopy or anything, but after a while she was feeling pretty good. We made the observation that she was actually quite colorful, with the colorful stretchy bandages on her arms for the IV drip, afghan, all the colors on her paperback. Surely colorful enough for Color Therapy Thursday. And she said, "Too bad we don't have a camera." Seriously? I am always prepared and whipped that camera out of my tote bag so fast and took some pictures.
We noticed that the lady across the aisle had the elastic bandages in Sue's favorite color, a beautiful sky blue. Hmmm...remember to request those the next time.
Even the "good" stuff, the chemo that will kick this multiple myeloma on its butt, was the only colorful bag out of the whole assortment. That has to be a good sign, right?
Love you, Sue. And you are not on this journey alone.