Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Managing to get by...

We are now midway through our week of managing Lakeview Cottages. It's cooled down here a bit and is really gorgeous. It's warm in the sun, with a nice cool breeze. Unlike the valley where it's over a hundred degrees and no breeze.

Every cabin is rented and we have 14 kids under age 12. A lot of them know each other from last year and they are all having a blast.

After I got all my managerial chores done today, I had planned on sewing. I have it all set up. Haven't sewed a stitch. Because really, as tempting as my sewing machine is, it is indoors.

I would rather wander down to the waterfront and do...not much of anything.
This afternoon, Mark and I drove around the lake to pick up the mail, and when we got back, we had this invitation on our front porch. The girls in Cabin B have quite the evening planned for Friday. And Thursday night we will do our Second Annual Outdoor Movie Night. We set up a huge screen by the fire ring area and pop buckets of kettlecorn and enjoy a movie together.

Oh, and in the category of "you're just gonna have to trust me on this one," Mark and I stopped at the general store right across the road from the post office to get some ice cream, and this guy popped in (note to self: always be prepared and never go anywhere without a camera...). Years ago I used to watch The Bold and the Beautiful, so if there are any fans out there, apparently Ronn Moss, aka Ridge Forrester, has his own cabin in this area. So says the owner of the general store... It was kinda weird to see him in shorts and a tank top...and obviously no TV makeup. I probably wouldn't even have noticed him if the owner hadn't said something. (Second note to self: I definitely need to hire my own hair and makeup person...)