Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Seeds of Hope One and Two

UPDATE: May 2010 Seeds of Hope I and Seeds of Hope II both made it into the juried Art Show at the Vacaville Art Gallery! Seeds of Hope I won Second Prize!!!

I made these two art quilts in October 2009. How I neglected to post them here I do not know.
The larger of the two is 31" X 31.5"
I enjoyed using my embellishling machine to felt the wooly bits that make up the flower heads and stems. The sky and fence are hand painted cotton fabric. A heavy textured fabric makes up the border. It is both machine sewn free motion style and hand embroidered.
Approximately 1000 beads are hand sewn on the fleece background.The Seeds of Hope I
31" X 12"

Click photos to see enlarged details

Both art quilts hung in my Solo Show in Davis, CA in November 2009
and at Mojo Flow Studio, Davis CA in December 2009