I signed up for two things yesterday: The Slow Readers' Book Club thanks to Christina at Down and Out Chic, and A Year of Schnibbles thanks to Sinta at Pink Pincushion. You may be thinking that I have in the past complained about mentioned the lack of time to do all the things I want to do. So why am I adding two new things in this brand new year?
They will actually dovetail together quite nicely. For years, I listened to Books on Tape, books on cassette tape, that is. And then that company went kaput and I signed up for an account at audible.com where I could download unabridged books to my iPod, 12 book credits a year. In 2009, I actually chose 11 books and added them to my library, and then, in a whole year I listened to one book. One. It seems I had a self-imposed "year of silence." Don't ask me why. I never could quite figure it out myself. So along comes Christina, and I thought to myself that this is just what I need to get me listening to books again. I checked, and sure enough the chosen book (Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls) was available on audible, I had one credit left, so I added it to my library, fired up my iPod and will start listening to it this afternoon...while I sew.
Which brings me to the second thing I signed up for. One of my favorite quilt designers is Carrie Nelson from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. Among other great things, she designs smallish quilts called schnibbles, usually about 30" x 30" or so. The members of "A Year of Schnibbles" make a different quilt each month. Small quilt. I think I can handle it. I'm a little late to the party, as the "year" started in September, but I think they will let me party along anyway. And the pattern for January is Madeline. And can you believe it? I already have everything I need, pattern, fabric, and whole nine yards (or rather lots of 5" squares and less than two yards for the border, backing and binding), thanks to a birthday gift certificate from my parents.