Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sneek Peeks

The newest issues of Somerset Studio's "Gallery" and "Sew Somerset" come out today, and I am super delighted to be included in both of these beautiful publications. For those of you who are only familiar with my current embroidered art quilts, you get to see another side of me, which would be my love of vintage materials and ephemera.

The Sew Somerset issue features my article on how I make my Vintage Bling Brooches, (pages 8 to 10).

A peek at my article:

The Gallery issues features my handmade art book, "Good Morning", (pages 129 to 131) in their "Special Book Section".

A little peek at a part of the book's cover:

A partial peek of a page from the book:

Not quite so nekked

Well, I've been working on Helena's block as well as working on me. I've had a couple of sessions at rehab for my shoulder and it seems to be coming along nicely. It's 6 weeks yesterday since I fell down, and six weeks would be the amount of time a cast would stay on, so I think I am on schedule. The 100 details in 100 days has been changed to 200 days, thank goodness. I had my doubts whether I could keep up the pace!

Friday, May 30, 2008

Tribute To Jim

Our friend Jim died a week ago today. We will see his family late next month on a trip in their area. I wanted to bring something that depicted our past history together. And was some how a tribute to Jim. This hurriedly made quilted memory quilt is the result.
The top panel shows Jim and my husband, buddies since they met in the early 70's, playing music together, and Jim with his then baby daughter. The middle panel shows Jim in his element outdoors in nature, something he knew a lot about; and the last panel he and his then wife on a cruise, dressed in a suit, something I never saw in person; Jim more comfortable as fisherman in jeans and a t-shirt; Fish for his profession as fly maker for fly fishermen of which he was one; and again he and my husband on a more recent visit (four years ago) now both "old guys" but still really good buddies.

double click on photo to see larger

I discovered the free motion satin stitch on my machine and used it around each photograph and around the outline sewing inside the edge of layered top, batting, backing fabrics, then cutting it around the edge careful not to cut the threads. Where I did I was able to sew over them after the cutting was done. I used this stitch for the peace signs too. Then free motion top sewed flowers, words, trees, fish, waves for the quilting.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Everyday Pleasures #6

First off, I would like to shout out a great big
"Happy Birthday!!!"
to my youngest, who is turning 14 today!
You are one of my most cherished everyday pleasures my dear, and I wish you the sun and the moon and all the magic in between!

And now for this weeks "Everyday Pleasures", where once again, I find myself in my own backyard, for it is an endless source of wonder to me. Have a great weekend everyone!

Bearded Iris

Bumble Bee on Lupine

Siberian Iris

Wild Primrose

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Yoshiko Jinzenji

Yoshiko Jinzenji is an internationally recognized textile artist, known for her beautiful minimalist quilts. Jinzenji is a master of textiles; dyeing, weaving, piecing, quilting, designing, writing and teaching her art form. Pictured above is her Filled Check print.

Dot & Dashes

Dots & Glyphs

I first came to know of her through her fabric designs. When I stumbled upon some at a quilt show last year, with just a bit of money left in my pocket, I happily spent my last dime on one of her printed fabric panels, (the one pictured directly above) It hangs it on my door, by my work table. I look at it everyday. It is too beautiful to cut!

I love her simplicity and her use of line. Jinzenji's designs are like a language all it's own, which she sings fluently, straight to my heart.

All of the images above and below came fromREPRODEPOT FABRICS.

Thumbprint Mix


Monday, May 26, 2008

Three little lads together

Caleb, Jack and Joshua

Suzie and Jack, Heather and Joshua & Lee Ann and Caleb

My three grandsons were all in the same place for the first time ever on Sunday. Two live close by and the third is from Morin Heights in PQ.

We also had a surprise birthday cake for my son who is definitely in the minority in PQ as a Leaf supporter. It's funny, Caleb the baby has two special outfits - a Toronto Maple Leaf jersey and a Montreal Canadiens sweater. The poor kid is so confused!
Neil and Caleb

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A good excuse to begin another CQ block!

I'm going to make a block for my sister Helena's yoga studio! Here it is almost nekkid. The block is 12" x 12" so these are pretty small pieces of fabric because she wants it really full of stuff. I've joined the 100 details for 100 days group on Stitchin Fingers, so I'll use a good few of the 100 on here.

Lucienne Day

I am in love with the designs of Lucienne Day. Here are some examples of her textile work which was put together by the Center for Advanced Textiles at Glasgow School of Arts.


Dandelion Clocks


This book, Robin and Lucienne Day: Pioneers of Modern Design, which showcases both Lucienne's work, and the work of her equally talented husband Robin, is now at the top of my wish list.

Robin Day's Armchair for the Royal Festival Hall, 1951.

And check out these cool Jack Purcell Converse sneakers made with Lucienne's Trio pattern!

More information on this dynamic due, and many other thoughouly fantastic designers, can be found from Britain's Design Museum

Friday, May 23, 2008

Setting up

Tonight we set up our tables for the business expo tomorrow and Sunday. The table looked very nice.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Everyday Pleasures #5

Just like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I had no need to go any further than my own backyard to find this weeks "Everyday Pleasures"!

An old, forgotten artifact from when the girls were little, hidden in the branches of our weeping willow tree.

Looking over the farm fields from atop of the sliding board which no one ever uses anymore, but it has too many nice memories to take down just yet.

My dog Mo, who is looking forward to everyone being home for the long Memorial day weekend and wishing you all peace.

Cakes on show this weekend

My cake partner Verdie and I will have a table of our cake decorating this Saturday and Sunday at her Church in Scarborough. This will be our 3rd year at this business expo there, and we have created some new display cakes and spruced up a few that were in a recent competition. The pictures show six 4 1/2" mini cakes and decorated sugar cookies. Last year's Sunday attendance was more than one thousand people and we made some good contacts which resulted in a few orders and some students for our gumpaste flowers course.

Learning how to Tatt

It's a craft I've always admired, it's so dainty and fragile. I tried years ago with a shuttle, but couldn't get the hang of it. A couple of years ago when Lewiscraft closed down I bought an instruction book and some very long needles and had another go. I had a mental block following the instructions and didn't make any progress.

When I began CQ, it became necessary that I tried again because little tatted pieces just belong on crazy quilts! I spent an uninterrupted evening and just concentrated, unpicked, tried again, until I found a very simple way to wrap the thread and hold the needle. I've mastered the very basics only, and have a long way to go, but at least, after all these years of wanting to do it, I can now do it!

The little pieces shown are not "fine", I've used fairly heavy thread, but they are recognizable as a flower and a butterfly!

A friend from our Seniors Craft Club gave me a beautiful piece of her mother's tatting. That will be saved for something really special. That's a dime in the photo to give you an idea of the fineness.

Shabby Chic sort of!

Completed block
I was inspired to create this block after an exciting visit to Value Village. This was back in April. It's now finished but I strayed a bit from the theme. I think it should be a bit softer looking. Anyway it is finished - my fifth finished block. One of the five is my CQ4Newbies newbie baggie swap and contest. But of course I can't show that photo yet because it is to be voted on in early June.

Close up of iris

Close up of herbaceous border

Close up of roses

Prehistoric Space Spores

Who isn't fascinated with cave paintings? The earliest evidence of human artistic expression! What could be more exciting!?

Well I thought it would be fun to imagine finding a cave with little prehistoric space spores drawn all over it!

I spritzed some bright pink fabric with walnut ink, water and fabric paint, then with a combination of free motion machine stitching, (the dark brown stitching) and hand embroidery, I created my little cave spores.

I was just having fun, but I like how they turned out and I think I will be exploring these more at a later date.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Peek a Boo Shirt Quilt

I just finished these blocks they are from my Dear Jane Book. Page 73 H-1 Peek-a-boo is the name of the block. I used old shirts that I purchased at a local thrift shop.(5 for a dollar) I enlarged the pattern to make a 12 inch block. I think I might add a border yet.

Peek a Boo Shirt Quilt

I just finished these blocks they are from my Dear Jane Book. Page 73 H-1 Peek-a-boo is the name of the block. I used old shirts that I purchased at a local thrift shop.(5 for a dollar) I enlarged the pattern to make a 12 inch block. I think I might add a border yet.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy 100th Birthday Jimmy Stewart

I am in love with Jimmy Stewart. Never mind that he is no longer here on earth, or the fact that if he were he would be 100 years old as of today, I still love him and always will. It isn't just the fact that he stared in some of my all time favorite movies, such as Rear Window, Harvey, Vertigo, The Glen Miller Story, The Man Who Knew Too Much, It's A Wonderful Life, and Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, it's more then that. I love Jimmy Stewart because of what he represents. Goodness, honesty, strength, imagination, aspiration, loyalty, compassion, humor and passion. These traits were often present in the roles he played, and I think the reason that he was so convincing playing these types of parts was because he truly embodied the same traits. It wasn't an act. He was the real deal.

So Happy Birthday Mr. Stewart. Thank you for leaving such a body of magnificent work and for setting such a humbling example of what a person can be.

I found this video of Jimmy Stewart on the Johnny Carson Show, where he is reading a heartfelt and touching poem which he wrote in loving memory of his dog Beau. It makes me cry. Such a sweet man.

Dolly Madison Star

This would make a good mystery quilt. I started this one in February and I'm getting really close to having all the blocks done. I found the pattern in one of my quilt books. It has sixteen 18 inch blocks. Here are the block centers.
1st step of the star points.
Second part of the star points.
A finished block. The pattern is from a Better Homes and Gardens book called Two-Color Quilts.