Thursday, June 26, 2008

Everyday Pleasures #9

As I go about my everyday business, I cannot help but to stop, stand still and gaze in awe at my surroundings...
for often it seems, as if long ago, time also stopped and stood still.

A farmer and his team of mules, stopping for a rest as they plow the field.

Old red barn with a split rail fence.

Longhorn steer grazing by an old barn.

Detail 14 of 100 details in 200 days

This another nice one, free flowing, with the sequin flower fitting in nicely.

The ribbon is 7mm silk.

Detail 13 of 100 details in 200 days

I really love this one. You may recognize the lace piece from the length of lace I bought for $1.00 a while ago at the Hospital thrift shop. The block that I'm working my 100 details on is looking good and getting quite embellished. There's not too many spaces left to fill in. I want this block to be totally embellished, with no room for more.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My crazy bear

In the middle of May, Janet (I'm going crazy, you come too, blog) celebrated the 1 year anniversary of her blog with a draw. I was one of the winners and now have a new friend. Janet stitched his little waistcoat so beautifully. Thank you Janet.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Work in Progress

No chance yet to delve into the new fabrics... I am practicing restraint until I finish up some previously started projects! Here are some close up shots of one of the quilts which I am currently working on. Lots of machine quilting on this one! (By the way, my camera was behaving very wacky-doodle-lee, and so the color is off on all of these pictures. The quilt is actually a rich dark brown and lovely deep aqua).

Quilting on the machine.

Front side of quilt showing some sections quilted, and some not yet done. (Click on the photo to see close up detail).

Back side of quilt showing the detail of the machine quilting.

Over my Limit on Stash

I'm having my brother and his family stay with us for the first 2 weeks of July. He live 4 states a way and I'm really looking forward to the visit. So I have to clean my sewing room. In case they peek in it I don't want them to think I'm a crazy quilting person lol. My sewing room is a converted 6x8 storage closet. I have a counter top on one 6 foot wall I have my sewing machine on and a dresser on the other wall I use for storage and the top for cutting. I have the shelves for storage. I've been trying to get all of my sewing stuff in the room for a while and was doing really good until last month. Mill End Fabric Store had a really good sale etc. etc. you know how it goes. I have been trying to get all my folded fabric to fit on this shelve. (each stack is about 100 yards) To clean the room (see the floor agine)I had to fill 2 Rubbermaid tubs with fabric. Plus the one I had. So I am three tubs over my limit.

Here are my drawers of precut scraps. I have 2 small ones and 2 nice ones on wheels that fit under the counter. I plan on making some nice labels when I get a chance so ignore the ones I have now.
They also are pretty stuffed full.
I made the strip quilt using these and hardly made a dent. I really need to fabric diet and bust some stash. Guess I have something to keep me busy this winter.

Over my Limit on Stash

I'm having my brother and his family stay with us for the first 2 weeks of July. He live 4 states a way and I'm really looking forward to the visit. So I have to clean my sewing room. In case they peek in it I don't want them to think I'm a crazy quilting person lol. My sewing room is a converted 6x8 storage closet. I have a counter top on one 6 foot wall I have my sewing machine on and a dresser on the other wall I use for storage and the top for cutting. I have the shelves for storage. I've been trying to get all of my sewing stuff in the room for a while and was doing really good until last month. Mill End Fabric Store had a really good sale etc. etc. you know how it goes. I have been trying to get all my folded fabric to fit on this shelve. (each stack is about 100 yards) To clean the room (see the floor agine)I had to fill 2 Rubbermaid tubs with fabric. Plus the one I had. So I am three tubs over my limit.

Here are my drawers of precut scraps. I have 2 small ones and 2 nice ones on wheels that fit under the counter. I plan on making some nice labels when I get a chance so ignore the ones I have now.
They also are pretty stuffed full.
I made the strip quilt using these and hardly made a dent. I really need to fabric diet and bust some stash. Guess I have something to keep me busy this winter.

Broken Dishes

I thought I would do a post about this row too. I've always loved this pattern. But never really new how to make it. I thought you made half square triangle and somehow kept then sorted to get the pattern. Till I seen this quilt on Crazy mom's Bolg

Crazy Mom Quilts<

She also added a tutorial here.

Crazy mom quilts tutorial<
So of coarse I have to make a broken dish quilt. I'm using 4" squares cut in half and then stitched together. I'm using up some brighter fabrics and a variety of printed muslin for my quilt. I love this!!!!

Broken Dishes

I thought I would do a post about this row too. I've always loved this pattern. But never really new how to make it. I thought you made half square triangle and somehow kept then sorted to get the pattern. Till I seen this quilt on Crazy mom's Bolg

Crazy Mom Quilts<

She also added a tutorial here.

Crazy mom quilts tutorial<
So of coarse I have to make a broken dish quilt. I'm using 4" squares cut in half and then stitched together. I'm using up some brighter fabrics and a variety of printed muslin for my quilt. I love this!!!!

Strip Quit Saw Tooth Strip

I thought I would show how I made this row.
Here is my drawer of triangles. They are left over from different projects, end cuts etc. (This was taken today after I made the quit.) The drawer was really full.

Last week I seen somewhere in blog land how someone sewed left over triangles willy nilly together and then cut and squared them up to make half square triangle squares. So I thought I would give it a try. I sewed red, white and blue ones together here they are I have to cut them yet but you can see how not all match up. But after they are cut and opened it doesn't matter. I also sewed green ones to cream and tan triangles and then used them for the strip quilt. And the drawer is still overflowing.

Strip Quit Saw Tooth Strip

I thought I would show how I made this row.
Here is my drawer of triangles. They are left over from different projects, end cuts etc. (This was taken today after I made the quit.) The drawer was really full.

Last week I seen somewhere in blog land how someone sewed left over triangles willy nilly together and then cut and squared them up to make half square triangle squares. So I thought I would give it a try. I sewed red, white and blue ones together here they are I have to cut them yet but you can see how not all match up. But after they are cut and opened it doesn't matter. I also sewed green ones to cream and tan triangles and then used them for the strip quilt. And the drawer is still overflowing.

Strip Quilt

WOW I guess you can add 5 pictures to a post.

I cut the strips for a strip quilt a few months ago. I've been looking for a applique pattern to run up one of the strips. I guess this weekend I started sewing the strips and got caught up in it and finished the quilt and somewhere along the way decided to just skip the applique. For almost all of the pieced strips I used fabric from my pre cut strips and squares.
I was going to just do all coin strips like this one. But changed my mind and thought a variety of strips would be better. For this strip I use my pre cut strips. I cut them 7 inches long and for width used 1 1/2 inch and 2 inch strips and a few larger strips I cut down to odd widths for variety.
I used 2 inch squares for this row. I tried to do green every other square with a few extra greens thrown in here and there.
Broken dishes blocks for this row I started with 3 1/2 inch squares. I cut them in half and then sewed together.

Last is a saw tooth border. I found this darker green strip I had left over from a back of another quilt and thought it would really set off the saw teeth. The triangles for this strip all came from my triangle scrap drawer. Good use of scraps.
I'm going to add a top and bottom border using the main green fabric. Then use the darker green fabric for the binding. This really sewed together very fast. And it was fun sewing with out patterns just pulling cut strips and squares from my stash and sewing.

Strip Quilt

WOW I guess you can add 5 pictures to a post.

I cut the strips for a strip quilt a few months ago. I've been looking for a applique pattern to run up one of the strips. I guess this weekend I started sewing the strips and got caught up in it and finished the quilt and somewhere along the way decided to just skip the applique. For almost all of the pieced strips I used fabric from my pre cut strips and squares.
I was going to just do all coin strips like this one. But changed my mind and thought a variety of strips would be better. For this strip I use my pre cut strips. I cut them 7 inches long and for width used 1 1/2 inch and 2 inch strips and a few larger strips I cut down to odd widths for variety.
I used 2 inch squares for this row. I tried to do green every other square with a few extra greens thrown in here and there.
Broken dishes blocks for this row I started with 3 1/2 inch squares. I cut them in half and then sewed together.

Last is a saw tooth border. I found this darker green strip I had left over from a back of another quilt and thought it would really set off the saw teeth. The triangles for this strip all came from my triangle scrap drawer. Good use of scraps.
I'm going to add a top and bottom border using the main green fabric. Then use the darker green fabric for the binding. This really sewed together very fast. And it was fun sewing with out patterns just pulling cut strips and squares from my stash and sewing.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Two Sides to Every Fabric Pile

Along with my purchase of those gorgerous new solid fabrics that I showed in my last post I also treated myself to some lovely striped prints that were designed by Kaffe Fassett. Below is a picture of them all grouped together, after being washed, ironed and folded...

And this is the back side... those colorful frayed threads were just to pretty to cut off!

I will be using these fabrics for some new art quilts as soon as I finish up my current works in progress, (which I hope to show soon!)

100 details in 200 days - Detail 12

This is the 12th detail - only 88 to go!

First Etsy Sale!

I finally made a sale on Etsy! I had some ribbon embroidery greeting cards listed for months with no action, then yesterday afternoon I added a paintbrush organizer and a cake decorating tool organizer to my listings, and not two hours later the paintbrush organizer had sold!

Paintbrush organizer

Cake decorating tool organizer open and closed.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

My garden

View from my balcony looking north east: View looking south east:

I live in a condo and it's about 35 years old. Because of it's age it has nice big rooms and it's solid, all concrete, so I don't hear anything from my neighbours, up, down or sideways. I have a very long balcony, I think about 50' long and about 6 to 8' wide. I've been here about 5 years. I moved from a house when my daughter left to get married. Each year I have had a garden, some years were better than others. For instance the first year I grew climbing beans that did so well, but every year after that they were a flop. I'm still experimenting some, this year it's lettuce, but my main success has been the tomato. And the best tomatoes have consistently been the little ones, Tom Thumb, Sweet 100 Cherry, etc. I have the end wall which gets the most sunlight just for these baby tomatoes, and I've installed netting up to the ceiling because these little fellows actually climb (with a little help) up to the top of the 8' net. Here are some of the tomato plants:

I was a little late getting them planted this year because it was coldish around our planting weekend (24th May), but they are sturdy and growing well now that the weather has warmed up and I have my bucket filled up so that they are watered often. Here are the lettuce at about 10 days old: And here are the spring onions:

There is nothing sweeter than vine ripened tomatoes and I'm looking forward to August when I will be picking them.