Thursday, October 2, 2008

A great weekend

Just a small glimpse of the breathtaking colours in the Laurentians.

I love travelling on the train. Mum and I went from Oshawa station (just east of Toronto) to Dorval (just west of Montreal) on Friday morning. It was such a comfortable ride and all the time I was on the train as it was speeding towards Quebec I was thinking, I don't have to drive and I have 4 1/2 hours each way to sew! Lee-Ann my daughter in law picked us up and we had a great time with them in Morin Heights. The colours were beautiful, probably the best weekend for viewing, and my dear little grandson Caleb was gorgeous. And "gorgeous" was a new word I taught him. He is at the stage where he's putting two words together - want it......find it..... eat it......touch it.... He'll be two in November and is a good little soul.

My son Neil, Lee-Ann and Caleb.

Mum with her great grandson Caleb.

Silk ribbon embroidery on dupione silk for greeting cards that kept me busy on the train.