Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween: could someone please define "happy" for me?

This is what Mark found when he was ready to leave for work this morning.

SO annoying.

Hmmm. Do you notice how all this broken glass has a really beautiful bluey-green, kind of sea-glass quality to it? I wonder if we could use it in some kind of fused glass project.....

Wait. Hold on. I've veered off the point. We are victims here!

Items left behind: valuable construction tools.

Items taken: small bungee cord, clip-on sunglasses, ear bud for cell phone.

So to those tricksters who performed this little treat, here is my advice: If you were looking to find some valuable things for quick resale, you left those behind so you should probably consider another profession. If you were looking for something cool to add to your Halloween costume tonight, well, uh, I'd love to see what you do with that little bungee cord....