Monday, April 20, 2009

My favorite quilt

Amy at Park City Girl has organized an online quilt festival, complete writh prizes. Woo hoo!!

At the time of this writing, there are 398 participants! Besides posting a picture of a favorite quilt, she wants a story about the quilt.

Picking my "favorite" quilt is nearly impossible. Lots of times it is the one I am currently working on, or the one living in my head just waiting for the time to make its appearance.

They don't all have interesting stories, but if you ask Mark about this quilt, he will probably say he thought he might lose his life over this one. Of course that wouldn't have happened. I'm sure it didn't even cross my mind at the time. Not really ...
This is actually one of my first quilts. I saw a tiny 3x3 inch picture in a magazine and fell in love with it. The block is a classic kaleidoscope block. The thing that so intrigued me was that the original quilt was made in quadrants, each quadrant mirroring the other three, but in a different color. I became obsessed with this quilt. I spent hours searching for the perfect fabric for each piece. Sometimes I would buy 1/8 yard (the small amount most stores are willing to cut for you) in order to cut just one triangle out of it.

We have a really long hallway right outside our bedroom, with enough wall space to give me a large design wall. I spent hours putting each triangle on that design wall, moving things around, studying it to make sure the colors were progressing properly, that each quadrant was an exact mirror image of the other three. Nothing was pinned onto the design wall, mind you. I would just pat them on and they would stay there...under normal conditions.

One day I was nearing completion of getting it all on the design wall just the way I wanted so I could start sewing. It was also laundry day and I had piles of laundry all sorted on the floor in our bedroom. Mark had taken off a shirt and decided, from the opposite end of the hallway, to try to throw his shirt onto the pile in the bedroom. He wound up that throw like a major league pitcher and let go of the shirt. As it flew down the hallway, it created a little wind current....and what followed was the most colorful display of little fabric triangles, floating and fluttering like leaves, around and around....and down to the floor.

We were both speechless....for different reasons, of course. All those hours I had spent arranging and rearranging. We looked at each other and he said in a panicked voice, "Um, I think I will leave the house for awhile."

I don't think I was ever actually mad at him, just shocked as I saw all those pieces floating to the
ground. And while I have named most of my other quilts, I haven't been able to pick out a good name for this one. "Near Death Experience" sounds so dramatic, in a negative way. Any suggestions?