Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Notice of Immediate Termination of Tenancy

Over the years, we have opened up our spare bedroom to many guests. We either extended the invition ourselves or they asked and we said, "Sure. Come live with us..." Some college students have even stayed for up to a semester.

So yesterday, I was cleaning up/organizing the glass workshop so we could finally get back to work in there. And I happened to notice evidence that someone had been living there. Completely uninvited. No, not a person. Nope, I think it was something furry. With a tail. Ewwwww. I didn't hear anything scurrying when I walked in. So that's a good sign, right? I have tentatively opened up the door a couple more times. No sounds. As we never gave him permission to be there in the first place, I hope he has moved on, or I will take the necessary steps.

While I'm not usually a fan of blog posts without pictures, sometimes it's just the right thing to do. So I'm not going to gross you out with a picture to go along with this post. Because I'm just thoughtful that way.