Tuesday, August 11, 2009


UPDATE: May 2010 Changed the name to Mono Madness, entered it into the juried art show at the Vacaville Art Gallery and it not only got into the show, but also won 3rd prize!!!! This is my latest art creation and for now I am calling it: "!"
This is two three day weekends of mono print painting, cutting, sandwiching, sewing around each piece, top sewing each piece, then painstakingly sewing each to the other to get this wall hanging. I'd guess I put in approximately 65 hours into this baby.
In person it is full of texture, bright color and sparkle!

Size: 26" height X 34" width
To see a video I made about the mono print making
go to http://lynn-nonameblog.blogspot.com/
and scroll down to August 5, 2009 post or
click on "short movie" in the next line.

The mono printing shown in this short movie was done following my reading an article in Quilting Arts magazine (pages 14-17) by Frances Holliday Alford called 'flight of fantasy' a gelatin monoprint process. I took up the challenge and taught myself to do this.The printing process with gelatin plate and paints took two days to complete.
Above photos show the end result of this work.

Click to enlarge and see details.