Monday, November 1, 2010

Carolyn's Tea Time II Round Robin

One side of Carolyn's tea cosy

The second side

Carolyn's tea cosy is made from old fashioned prints and was fun to work on.  I chose the chicken scratch on the first side (above).  I love doing chicken scratch and I was glad that she had one on each side, and one was left still to do.  I also embroidered some blue bullion daisies on both sides of the cosy.    On the first side there was a small rectangle that looked just like a table, so I filled it with beaded goodies.  And on the second side I added a simple cross stitch seam treatment in red, white, yellow and royal blue.

Bullion daisies

Chicken Scratch

Cakes and Cookies!  Chocolate eclairs, Empire Biscuits and a chocolate cake

Cross stitch, straight stitch, French knots and lazy daisies