Friday, December 3, 2010

Philosophy Friday: How to say what you REALLY want to say

You know. Like this:

I really really won't be offended if you hate this. The gift receipt is in the bag. Seriously.

Or this:

This seemed like a good idea at the time, but now I'm not so sure.

Or even this:

I made this, just so you know. So don't say anything mean about it.

I was reading Lisa Lam's blog yesterday and she had lots of links to great gift tags. For free. The ones above really caught my eye. They are by Amy Karol of Angry Chicken fame. And you know you have really wanted to say something like:

Shopping for you is so hard, you should give me an extra gift for even trying. I mean that in a loving way.

Check out Lisa's blog for all the links (she has lots of cool stuff herself, especially if you like making bags, in which case I totally recommend getting her new book, The Bag Making Bible).

And then thank Amy for putting our thoughts into words...and on to our gifts.