Saturday, April 29, 2006

May 1st WIP List

Well I did some digging and sorting and came up with a list. 37 quilts that I have started. WOW That's more then I thought. Now for some goals.

By Jan 1st

1 Have all the quilts that I started quilting finished. (That's 11)
2 Put binding on the finished quilts.(12)
3 finish piecing all the tops I have started. (15)
4 By the end of the year have only pieced tops. And finished quilts.
5 Do not start new projects finish some.

May Goals

1 Quilt... Spiderweb Blue 4 patch Road to Cal (these 3 are at least 1/2 done already)
2 Put binding on these 3 quilts and on the Squares quilt
3 Work on unfinished tops. Try to finish 3.

May 1
10---Finished tops
2----setting blocks
1----sewing blocks
4----need to finish planning

Quilting Projects

1 Squares..............Binding needs to be finished
2 Spider Web...........Quilt 8 more blocks add binding
3 Blue 4 Patch.........Quilting
4 Road to Cal..........Quilting
5 Pyramid..............Quilting
6 Snowflake............Quilting
7 Amish Log Cabin......Quilting
8 Crazy Patch Quilt....Quilting
9 Postage Stamp........Quilting
10 Pastel Sampler......Quilting
11 Fantasy.............Quilting
12 Wedding Ring........Quilting
13 Black Floral................Top Pieced
14 Rust Squares................Top Pieced
15 Pink Checked................Top Pieced
16 Peach Quilt.................Top Pieced
17 Pink And Green..............Top Pieced
18 Snails Tail.................Top Pieced
19 Jean Crazy Quilt............Top Pieced
20 Texas 2 Step................Top Pieced
21 Bars........................Top Pieced
22 Jean Star...................Top Pieced
23 Scrap Angels.....................Setting Blocks
24 Pin wheels.......................Setting blocks
25 Cleo Baskets..........................Sewing Blocks
26 Jacobs Ladder.........................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
27 Pine Burr.............................Sewing Blocks/Paper pieced
28 9 Patch...............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
29 Poinsettia............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
30 Attic Treasures.......................Sewing Blocks/cutting pieces
31 Honey Bee.............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting pieces
32 Dresden Plate.........................Sewing Blocks/applique
33 Basket Sampler........................Sewing Blocks/Cutting pieces
34 Bettys Basket.........................Sewing Blocks/Planning
35 Lone Star..................................Made center/Planning outside
36 Cracker....................................Sample Blocks Unplanned Project
37 Postage Stamp..............................Left Over Blocks

May 1st WIP List

Well I did some digging and sorting and came up with a list. 37 quilts that I have started. WOW That's more then I thought. Now for some goals.

By Jan 1st

1 Have all the quilts that I started quilting finished. (That's 11)
2 Put binding on the finished quilts.(12)
3 finish piecing all the tops I have started. (15)
4 By the end of the year have only pieced tops. And finished quilts.
5 Do not start new projects finish some.

May Goals

1 Quilt... Spiderweb Blue 4 patch Road to Cal (these 3 are at least 1/2 done already)
2 Put binding on these 3 quilts and on the Squares quilt
3 Work on unfinished tops. Try to finish 3.

May 1
10---Finished tops
2----setting blocks
1----sewing blocks
4----need to finish planning

Quilting Projects

1 Squares..............Binding needs to be finished
2 Spider Web...........Quilt 8 more blocks add binding
3 Blue 4 Patch.........Quilting
4 Road to Cal..........Quilting
5 Pyramid..............Quilting
6 Snowflake............Quilting
7 Amish Log Cabin......Quilting
8 Crazy Patch Quilt....Quilting
9 Postage Stamp........Quilting
10 Pastel Sampler......Quilting
11 Fantasy.............Quilting
12 Wedding Ring........Quilting
13 Black Floral................Top Pieced
14 Rust Squares................Top Pieced
15 Pink Checked................Top Pieced
16 Peach Quilt.................Top Pieced
17 Pink And Green..............Top Pieced
18 Snails Tail.................Top Pieced
19 Jean Crazy Quilt............Top Pieced
20 Texas 2 Step................Top Pieced
21 Bars........................Top Pieced
22 Jean Star...................Top Pieced
23 Scrap Angels.....................Setting Blocks
24 Pin wheels.......................Setting blocks
25 Cleo Baskets..........................Sewing Blocks
26 Jacobs Ladder.........................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
27 Pine Burr.............................Sewing Blocks/Paper pieced
28 9 Patch...............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
29 Poinsettia............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
30 Attic Treasures.......................Sewing Blocks/cutting pieces
31 Honey Bee.............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting pieces
32 Dresden Plate.........................Sewing Blocks/applique
33 Basket Sampler........................Sewing Blocks/Cutting pieces
34 Bettys Basket.........................Sewing Blocks/Planning
35 Lone Star..................................Made center/Planning outside
36 Cracker....................................Sample Blocks Unplanned Project
37 Postage Stamp..............................Left Over Blocks

Friday, April 28, 2006

Pyramid Quilt

When I first started quilting I saved a picture a pyramid quilt and Always wanted to make one. So here is my version. I had purchased the blue fabric I used as the alternate block some where???? It had been in my stash for awhile. Before I cut it I washed it..... I now wash all my fabric first thing when I bring them home. Well after washing, the fabric faded unevenly.

Now what to do.

Being the frugal person I am and going with nothing is perfect.
I used it anyway. The quilt is about 1/3 quilted.

But now after the top is pieced I like it.
The uneven fabric makes it look antiqueish.
And adds to the country feel of the quilt.
Oh well.

Pyramid Quilt

When I first started quilting I saved a picture a pyramid quilt and Always wanted to make one. So here is my version. I had purchased the blue fabric I used as the alternate block some where???? It had been in my stash for awhile. Before I cut it I washed it..... I now wash all my fabric first thing when I bring them home. Well after washing, the fabric faded unevenly.

Now what to do.

Being the frugal person I am and going with nothing is perfect.
I used it anyway. The quilt is about 1/3 quilted.

But now after the top is pieced I like it.
The uneven fabric makes it look antiqueish.
And adds to the country feel of the quilt.
Oh well.

Log Cabin Amish Style

This Quilt has been at this stage for 3 years. The squares sewed up very quickly. I love the pattern and the way the quilt turned out. But.............. Quilting with black thread on black fabric is very hard I can't see it. Why didn't I know this when I started. One good thing is that there is not a lot of black and I like the quilting on the colored part but that black is such a pain.

Log Cabin Amish Style

This Quilt has been at this stage for 3 years. The squares sewed up very quickly. I love the pattern and the way the quilt turned out. But.............. Quilting with black thread on black fabric is very hard I can't see it. Why didn't I know this when I started. One good thing is that there is not a lot of black and I like the quilting on the colored part but that black is such a pain.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Double Wedding ring

A real classic pattern. The scrapes are from leftover fabric I used to make dresses and doll clothes For my daughter. It too is backed batted and basted. Just got to get quilting on it. I picked a quilting pattern and have about 1/3 of it done. The centers are a nice place to show off some hand quilting.

Double Wedding ring

A real classic pattern. The scrapes are from leftover fabric I used to make dresses and doll clothes For my daughter. It too is backed batted and basted. Just got to get quilting on it. I picked a quilting pattern and have about 1/3 of it done. The centers are a nice place to show off some hand quilting.

Star in a Star

Wow this weekend went fast. Here is the star in a star
quilt I've been working on.
The small blocks look like
1/4 of the quilt.

It used up lots of scraps.
There are 12 rows of 12 variable
star blocks. The blocks are 10".

The dark and light
blocks make 4
large stars. The quilt
is backed
and batted and basted. Hopefully
I will start quilting it this fall
after I finish some other projects.
I hope it's going to be happy in
the cedar chest till then.

Star in a Star

Wow this weekend went fast. Here is the star in a star
quilt I've been working on.
The small blocks look like
1/4 of the quilt.

It used up lots of scraps.
There are 12 rows of 12 variable
star blocks. The blocks are 10".

The dark and light
blocks make 4
large stars. The quilt
is backed
and batted and basted. Hopefully
I will start quilting it this fall
after I finish some other projects.
I hope it's going to be happy in
the cedar chest till then.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Spider Web

Thank you to all of you bloggers for the nice commits on my quilts.

Here is a full picture of my spider web quilt I'm working on quilting it.

Spider Web

Thank you to all of you bloggers for the nice commits on my quilts.

Here is a full picture of my spider web quilt I'm working on quilting it.

Spider web Quilt

This is one of the quilts I'm hand quilting. I'm about 1/2 done. I try to put at least 2 yards of quilting thread a day into the quilt. The pattern came from the book Pieces Of The Past. The colored parts of the webs are string scraps cut into triangles. I have a picture of one of the blocks. The more I quilt on this quilt the more I like the way it looks.

Spider web Quilt

This is one of the quilts I'm hand quilting. I'm about 1/2 done. I try to put at least 2 yards of quilting thread a day into the quilt. The pattern came from the book Pieces Of The Past. The colored parts of the webs are string scraps cut into triangles. I have a picture of one of the blocks. The more I quilt on this quilt the more I like the way it looks.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Week's Goal

My goal for this week is to finish this quilt I finished quilting it 2 months ago and have been putting off binding it. What is it about cats that they have to lay on any thing you spread out on the floor?

The pattern came from a book from the library Pieces Of the Past I should buy this book I've used lots of patterns from it. The pattern is lady of the lake. I used scraps for the Triangle squares. Really ugly ones I wanted to use up. And I was very surprised and pleased how nice they look. It's machine pieced and hand quilted.

Here's a left over block. The blocks weren't that hard to make. Just make sure the darks are all pointing the same way. Yes I had to redo a few.

Week's Goal

My goal for this week is to finish this quilt I finished quilting it 2 months ago and have been putting off binding it. What is it about cats that they have to lay on any thing you spread out on the floor?

The pattern came from a book from the library Pieces Of the Past I should buy this book I've used lots of patterns from it. The pattern is lady of the lake. I used scraps for the Triangle squares. Really ugly ones I wanted to use up. And I was very surprised and pleased how nice they look. It's machine pieced and hand quilted.

Here's a left over block. The blocks weren't that hard to make. Just make sure the darks are all pointing the same way. Yes I had to redo a few.

Basket of Chips

Here is a quilt that I finished about 3 months ago. It was a real quick rotary cut quilt with lots of sewing short cuts. I don't remember the books name. The Quilt was called basket of chips. I just followed the directions and I had a Quilt. No templates. Just cut strips and squares sew here then cut again. Very easy. And it was made totally from stash. I hand quilted it.

Basket of Chips

Here is a quilt that I finished about 3 months ago. It was a real quick rotary cut quilt with lots of sewing short cuts. I don't remember the books name. The Quilt was called basket of chips. I just followed the directions and I had a Quilt. No templates. Just cut strips and squares sew here then cut again. Very easy. And it was made totally from stash. I hand quilted it.

Saturday, April 8, 2006

Judy Martin Blocks

My next set of quilts I made came from a book I purchased. Judy Martin's Ultimate Book Of Quilt Block Patterns. This block is called broken wheel a 12" block. The quilt is machine pieced and hand quilted. A scrapy quilt with differnt greens used in each block and the backgroud fabric all the same.

After this quilt I started on some samplers. The first one has 14" blocks that alternate light and dark. I put some leftover blocks on the back. This quilt is machine pieced and hand quilted. Now that I'm done with it I'm not real crazy about the colors. I started it about 6 years ago and finished it last summer.

The other sampler is made out of different colors of the same pattern fabric
it's machine pieced and about 1/4 hand quilted. I hope to finish quilting it by the end of summer.

Judy Martin Blocks

My next set of quilts I made came from a book I purchased. Judy Martin's Ultimate Book Of Quilt Block Patterns. This block is called broken wheel a 12" block. The quilt is machine pieced and hand quilted. A scrapy quilt with differnt greens used in each block and the backgroud fabric all the same.

After this quilt I started on some samplers. The first one has 14" blocks that alternate light and dark. I put some leftover blocks on the back. This quilt is machine pieced and hand quilted. Now that I'm done with it I'm not real crazy about the colors. I started it about 6 years ago and finished it last summer.

The other sampler is made out of different colors of the same pattern fabric
it's machine pieced and about 1/4 hand quilted. I hope to finish quilting it by the end of summer.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

9 Patches

My guest bedroom has a couple of patch quilts.

I made the blocks and then tried to figure out what to do with them. I tried setting them different ways and finally came up with these two quilts.

The yellow one is hand quilted. The blue one is tied.

I learned the hard way not to bias cut the outside half square setting blocks they caused me lots of trouble. The outside is kind of wavy oh well next time.

9 Patches

My guest bedroom has a couple of patch quilts.

I made the blocks and then tried to figure out what to do with them. I tried setting them different ways and finally came up with these two quilts.

The yellow one is hand quilted. The blue one is tied.

I learned the hard way not to bias cut the outside half square setting blocks they caused me lots of trouble. The outside is kind of wavy oh well next time.