Saturday, April 29, 2006

May 1st WIP List

Well I did some digging and sorting and came up with a list. 37 quilts that I have started. WOW That's more then I thought. Now for some goals.

By Jan 1st

1 Have all the quilts that I started quilting finished. (That's 11)
2 Put binding on the finished quilts.(12)
3 finish piecing all the tops I have started. (15)
4 By the end of the year have only pieced tops. And finished quilts.
5 Do not start new projects finish some.

May Goals

1 Quilt... Spiderweb Blue 4 patch Road to Cal (these 3 are at least 1/2 done already)
2 Put binding on these 3 quilts and on the Squares quilt
3 Work on unfinished tops. Try to finish 3.

May 1
10---Finished tops
2----setting blocks
1----sewing blocks
4----need to finish planning

Quilting Projects

1 Squares..............Binding needs to be finished
2 Spider Web...........Quilt 8 more blocks add binding
3 Blue 4 Patch.........Quilting
4 Road to Cal..........Quilting
5 Pyramid..............Quilting
6 Snowflake............Quilting
7 Amish Log Cabin......Quilting
8 Crazy Patch Quilt....Quilting
9 Postage Stamp........Quilting
10 Pastel Sampler......Quilting
11 Fantasy.............Quilting
12 Wedding Ring........Quilting
13 Black Floral................Top Pieced
14 Rust Squares................Top Pieced
15 Pink Checked................Top Pieced
16 Peach Quilt.................Top Pieced
17 Pink And Green..............Top Pieced
18 Snails Tail.................Top Pieced
19 Jean Crazy Quilt............Top Pieced
20 Texas 2 Step................Top Pieced
21 Bars........................Top Pieced
22 Jean Star...................Top Pieced
23 Scrap Angels.....................Setting Blocks
24 Pin wheels.......................Setting blocks
25 Cleo Baskets..........................Sewing Blocks
26 Jacobs Ladder.........................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
27 Pine Burr.............................Sewing Blocks/Paper pieced
28 9 Patch...............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
29 Poinsettia............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting Pieces
30 Attic Treasures.......................Sewing Blocks/cutting pieces
31 Honey Bee.............................Sewing Blocks/Cutting pieces
32 Dresden Plate.........................Sewing Blocks/applique
33 Basket Sampler........................Sewing Blocks/Cutting pieces
34 Bettys Basket.........................Sewing Blocks/Planning
35 Lone Star..................................Made center/Planning outside
36 Cracker....................................Sample Blocks Unplanned Project
37 Postage Stamp..............................Left Over Blocks