Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Camera and Pink Blogs

My new baby Nikon SLR camera arrived home yesterday afternoon. I am so excited. Hopefully I'll get a chance before the weekend to take some photos. We had to charge the battery for a long time last night - the first charge :-). If I have to be honest, I don't have a clue how to use a SLR camera but will go for lessons..... I am so excited about being able to take some really cool pictures. Yes, I know you can take cool pictures with a compact digital camera but still.......

Now I just need to build a design wall and then I'll be able to take awesome photos of my quilts - quilts you say, at the moment, more like quilt pieces......Am hoping to rectify that next weekend :D

I don't know why I changed the colour scheme of my blog to pink yesterday - maybe I was in a pink mood :LOL. It won't last long - will change it to something else soon.