Saturday, February 7, 2009

I've been bitten...

Sorry, that was hard to resist.

First of all, I hardly ever read fantasy fiction. With apologies to all you C.S. Lewis fans out there, Chronicles of Narnia--didn't read it. Lord of the Rings--not interested. I did read the first four Harry Potter novels and will probably finish the series...someday. So why the Twilight series? Well, everyone around me seemed to be reading them. I mean, devouring them. (Ha, I didn't even see that one coming...). Like reading all four books in four days. I couldn't imagine reading about vampires. Vampires! But the writer just sucked me in.

I don't like Stephenie Meyer's writing style quite as much as J.K. Rowling (although I definitely don't think she deserved Stephen King's ridicule). Sometimes I just want to say, "I get it...move on." But the story is pretty fascinating. And I just have to know: Bella, will you...or won't you?

Oh, and by the way: