Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quiltlet for Suki

Sukipoet is a blogland friend for whom I made this quiltlet after her mother died. It's a tribute to Suki's love for her mom, made from fabrics that had belonged to her mother who was a seamstress. Suki had a give away and I was fortunate enough to win these fabrics.

I had wanted to weave some fabrics and took this opportunity to do so as the plain pink made a wonderful frame to weave the patterned floral fabric through. I then top stitched hearts and flowers and ribbons etc. to hold the weave in place. I made a small doll to represent her mother using a photo of mothers face taken at the very last days of her life and transferred it to cloth. I even left a bit of batting sticking out around her head to match her lovely white hair. I stitched the doll to the mat and gave her a red heart necklace that matched the one Suki had given her mother.
I added green grass for her to stand in as if she is standing in a garden. The white fabric for the backing and binding was part of the giveaway too.

I received wonderful kudos of appreciation from Suki and other blog friends who saw this quilt on her blog today.

In Honor of Suki's Mom