Tuesday, October 13, 2009

More Quilt Show Pictures!

Our guild's first quilt show was truly a great success!  Not only were the quilts wonderful, but the 18 raffle baskets were fantastic--have never seen such huge and nice baskets anywhere else!  To top that off, the baskets had accompanying quilts to go with them--wow, what great baskets and quilts!  One woman won three of them--and they were huge!  Well, let the show begin for this evening:

I still have to take a picture of my winnings from my friend in Canada--I will do that for tomorrow evening!  I had too many papers to grade tonight!  I also want to show a close-up of the tea cups; which I truly loved and will point out why tomorrow!  So, before I fall asleep at my computer I will end until tomorrow and am quiltingly yours,