Monday, November 2, 2009

L.O.V.E. It

In the early years of our marriage, we had very little money. We lived in a small town in western Kansas, which had very little selection when it came to clothing, at least something we were able to afford, so I sewed nearly everything I wore. One memorable exception: in the neighboring larger town, we found a fabulous (hey--it was the '70s) navy blue leisure suit for Mark. It had rows of baby blue and white topstitching. He needed something nice to wear when he coached basketball but it was really expensive, so we actually had to make monthly payments to the men's clothing store. But I digress.
I even made jeans for me and at least one sport coat for Mark.

Things got better. I swore off clothing construction.

Now Amy Butler has a new fabric line, ("Love") and this new pattern ("the Liverpool").

I may have to reconsider.