Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tabloid Tuesday

What? You were expecting something spectacular and sensational? Sorry. Blatant attempt to get your attention.

Alrighty then.

But in a bit of news, I was mentioned in two different blog posts today. First of all, Allisa of quiltish (and I highly recommend that you read her series on "business bits") is giving peeks into places where designers create, and she was kind enough to invite me to share a glimpse of where I sew. If you have voyeuristic tendencies like I do, head on over and take a peek.

This next one takes kind of  a circuitous route. Lesly from Pickle Dish sent this link to Cheryl at
Naptime Quilter. And then knowing how much Jessica Jones of How About Orange likes to post "time wasters," I sent her the link. Whew. Okay. That should cover everyone as far as credit is due. So anyhoo...what I'm talking about is the Patchwork Pattern Maker, which turns an image into a pattern which you can then turn into a quilt. Super fun. And really, if you aren't in the mood to make an actual quilt out of your picture, it's just fun to see what it could look like.

If I'm going to have a post called Tabloid Tuesday, I should at least post a racy picture, don't you think? "Racy" being a relative term, of course--this is a quilting blog.

So I started working on Matt and Samantha's quilt last summer. They have been part of our Monday Night Football family for years and have been a "hot" couple since the day they got married. I'm not kidding. Temperature on the day they got married:

I worked on their quilt top when we went to the ocean and when we were up at Lakeview. And finally finished it this spring.

It had all of Sam's favorite colors. At first, even though I was the one who picked out all the fabric, I was thinking to myself. Really? I'm putting all these fabrics in one quilt? But what really made it work was the light values and dark values. And I was happy I chose the solid charcoal for the binding because somehow that calmed the whole thing down a bit.

One of my favorite Amy Butler prints for the backing.

Sam sent the nicest thank-you note and it even matched some of the fabric.

So to finish Tabloid Tuesday, the racy picture I promised:

Be sure to come back tomorrow. No Wordless Wednesday this week. Instead, there will be an interview, LOTS of amazing pictures and a GIVEAWAY. Trust me on this one: you will not want to miss it!