Sunday, June 20, 2010

Where Bloggers Create: It's a studio tour

Don't you love to see where other creative people do their creating? Did you enjoy seeing all the fabulous quilts during Bloggers' Quilt Festival?  "Where Bloggers Create" is a tour of those places where creative people do amazing things. There are around 350 studios to tour and the list is posted here (or you can click on the button at the right).

So about where I create. It used to be our living room, the room where Aaron would often ask the question: "You mean the one we don't live in?" Yeah, that one.  I had all my sewing gear crammed in my office: sewing machine on a card table, ironing board. And I looked longingly at that big room that was probably the prettiest room in our house, the first room you saw when you entered our house....and the one we rarely ever used.

Mark was the one who suggested I take over that room. It has good natural light and a lot of space. Which I have had no trouble filling up. It is still the first room you see when you enter our house, and there are piles of fabric and projects in various stages. But I love this room. It is colorful and comfortable.

So let me give you a tour around the room.

The first thing Mark did was bring in two big tables which are in the center of the room:

The inspiration for the green paint on one wall was Anna Maria Horner's home dec line called Drawing Room. I took a swatch into Lowe's and had them match the green paint and then used the fabric for a lampshade:

At an auction a few years ago, we scored these great matinee seats, which have plenty of space underneath for fabric:

I have a little more storage and a few favorite things on top of the cabinet next to the matinee seats, including another lamp shade using AMH fabric:

A cabinet for book storage (and my "one in every color" clock):

Some button, thread and fabric scrap storage:

A repurposed diaper changing station for quilt storage:

Mark's high school trombone turned into a quilt rack (see that little sewing case to the right? The next time you peek into my sewing room it will probably be bright orange!):

A beautiful antique we picked up years ago at a super reasonable price: more fabric storage:

I use some colorful aluminum cups from my childhood for miscellaneous items:

And I write on my walls:

Hope you enjoyed a peek into where I love to spend my time.