Friday, June 25, 2010

Weekend Wrap

Last weekend, Mark and I went our separate ways. I went to a cabin near Yosemite National Park for nonstop quilting with three of my friends. It's always an adventure getting all our supplies and food from the car to the cabin. See the car up there on the road? It's quite a trek down to the entrance of the cabin. The first year, we chose a weekend in March and it had snowed. So....our trek involved carrying all our stuff in knee-deep snow, in the dark on a Friday night. We switched to a different month after that...

The first thing I worked on was finishing my Road to Spring quilt-along. I rarely actually "quilt along" with everyone else. I always intend to; I'm not quite sure where the system breaks down (I just had to photograph it with the Better Homes and Gardens because the colors were too perfect...)

Then I finished Baby Geniuses Grow Up. I hardly ever complete a quilt top using a single line of fabric, but I made an exception in this case. It is going to a blogging friend who works with stuff like DNA and this line had some fabrics that were actually based on DNA chains. And she just had a baby...who I am quite sure is a genius...

Next up: another quilt-along. I love the Oz line by Sanae and added a few others from my stash.

The white fabric really gives some breathing space to this quilt top.

We only have two meals each day. Don't worry. We don't starve. Because this is what our midday snack looks like. (In case you are wondering, the swirly thing is a marinated mozzarella cheese rope--yummy!)

And we always always have lemon pie in a meringue crust. Dotty forgot to pack it this year, but did we say, "Oh well...we have enough other things to eat"? No way! We stopped by her house again to pick up that delicious pie.

(Ruth, Dotty and Maggie)

We usually have party favors. Ruth picked up these great scratch pads for each of us. Can you zoom in on that top left corner of the right pad? You can read what it says, right? No? "made with real poo." Really?

Uh, yeah...I plan on getting some of these for stocking stuffers at Christmas....

There is a spiral staircase from the main floor of the cabin to the sleeping quarters down below. So during the weekend, as we finish our projects, we hang them on the railing. By the end of the weekend, it is just a collage of color.

And what was Mark off doing? He was in Pebble Beach, in Carmel, California, at Round 2 of the U.S. Open with Aaron, Christa's father  Ron, and her brother Sheldon. Sheldon was able to score some free tickets as well as all-access passes.They had a great day there.

And Aaron and Mark had their picture taken with the winner's trophy.

This weekend I'm at Lakeview Cottages for a couple of days. I brought Denyse along for company. Well, her Hope Valley fabric and a pattern.

The view from my cabin window...
Hope your weekend is relaxing. I'm off to sew.
P.S. My signal strength is really low up here and I can't pull up the  links, but the Road to Spring quiltalong with was Randi at "I Have to Say" and the hexagon quiltalong was with Julie at Jaybird Quilts.