Sunday, February 21, 2010

After much self doubt, anxiety and encouragement from friends I finally decided to try to sell the growing family of softies I had created.
I applied to Abbotsford Convent for a stand at their Sunday Market. They accepted my application and gave me all the info. on what to do on the day.
Arriving early I set up my stand and went out to explore the surroundings. What a brilliant place it was. The Shirt and Skirt Market was setting up outside, the bakery was selling coffees and bread, people were out and about, eating and enjoying the atmosphere and fine weather. The stalls were selling original, quality products and the place was buzzing.
My sister came along to help.
So there we sat, smiled and chatted with the visitors. Lots of compliments and admiring looks but no one bought anything! Had I not had reassuring words from my neighbouring stands I would have been devastated. Some of the regulars also sold nothing or 1 or 2 items but that was it.
Just my luck to start on a day when all the people were not in the mood for shopping.
The best thing about the day was meeting Nicole from
We chatted and she suggested I set up a blogspot so here I am. I am not sure what else I will do but this is the hopefully just the beginning.