Thursday, February 4, 2010

Keeping It Real

Today I read Kerri's blog and learned some new things about someone I may never meet, but sometimes I still feel like we are friends. I have been blogging for a little over a year and have "met" the most amazing and inspirational people. When I first started, it was hard to find my "voice." It is still definitely a work in progress, but I am feeling more comfortable. I'm a quiet person by nature (yes, one of my goals in life is to have someone say emphatically, "Would you please just shut up!!!!).  When I first started blogging, the intent was as a marketing strategy, to get the word out about our fused glass business.

Yeah, about that...the more I got into blogging, the more I found myself reading...and writing about...sewing and quilting. Mark and I discussed our etsy shop. There is a lot to be done in that regard, and our course of focus is changing there as well. But right now there are a lot of things going on in the background that just seem to have put it on hold for a while. Until that all settles down, I'll continue to focus on getting to know my blogging friends a little better.

Facts about me-

I'm a third generation Californian, although I only lived in the Los Angeles area until I was about 3, and then not again until I was married. Counting California, I have lived in six states.  I have lived in nine cities, including Chicago for about six weeks when I was really small.

I'm proud to be a natural redhead (although nature now gets a little help). Treat us nicely--we are an endangered species.
As a profession, I am a medical transcriber. I previously was an accredited records technician, working with medical records in a hospital, for which I had to take a state boards examination. I have won two typing contests, probably because I am on a computer up to eight hours a day. In fifth grade I purposely lost a spelling bee.

In June I will be married to my best friend for 37 years. We are completely different from each other in so many ways--he would love to get paid for public speaking, I think you couldn't pay me enough to be a public speaker, we like different books, different movies, etc. But our core values are identical and I think that is why it works so well.

The best gift in the world is being a grandmother.  The benefits can't even be measured.

My favorite places to be are at the coast

or at our rental cabins at Huntington Lake.

I don't really splurge on "stuff" but I sure like my iPhone. I have an iPod too, my second one. My first one never had ANY songs on it--only audible books.
I wish I had worn braces.I love newly sharpened yellow #2 pencils. After they are worn down a couple of inches, I no longer like them.

I never EVER eat blue M&MS--personal protest (yes, I know. As protests go, people have already pointed out how ineffective it is--I just don't think they needed to add another color). According to the M&Ms site, of people polled, 31 percent say blue is their favorite color. Go figure.

However, eating the pastel M&Ms at Easter doesn't bother me at all.

I wish I could play the violin so I could be in an orchestra. I wish I had seen Liberace perform. I would pay a lot of money for a ticket to see James Taylor.

I used to have a birthmark on my arm in the shape of Africa, but it has faded.

I want to ride a Zamboni.

I love to read blogs for hours--and sometimes do. I love going to Starbucks but don't like the taste of their coffee (although I really do like coffee, just not theirs). I always order a tall coffee, no room, because everything else intimidates me.

I have the most awesome red cowboy boots. Even if I never wear them again, I'll never get rid of them. However, they do get out and party from time to time. Just not on my feet.

The first five years of our marriage, we lived in Scott City, Kansas, on the Kansas-Colorado border. We have lived in Fresno for almost thirty-two years. But Trudy will always be my BFF. Forever. (And yes, when I proofread this, I do realize that it was redundant to add "forever" again. But I meant to do that.)

I have gone through at least six creative stages: knitting, crocheting, counted cross stitch, needlepoint, tole painting, china painting, scrapbooking. Quilting is NOT a phase. It is my passion. And there is no better way to spend some time than at a quilting retreat with some of the people you like the most!

I would love to learn more about you, so how about sharing? Come back and let me know, so I can visit your blog.