Shower, coffee and a quick call to the quilt shop to see if they were still running their free University quilt class on Hot Ribbon Quilting--they are! That will be a quick trip!
9:00 a.m.
Off to Hot Ribbon Quilting: here are the photos of Cheryl demonstrating the hot ribbon technique and some of the quilts to make, I bought the Amaryllis to do and two of the books--the lighthouse and the first floral book.
Cheryl made this amarylis:
2:00 p.m.
Back home and putting things together to take to our once a month quilter's group. I am taking all that I need to begin the above amaryllis. I got all that I needed to make this--later today after the tablerunner and finishing the block I need to do! So off to upstairs to work and take some pictures of the what is happening!
5:30 - 11:30 p.m.:
Well, I have been busy, although it won't look like I got a lot accomplished! I did trace all of the pieces for the Amaryllis! The quilter's got together at Cheryl's and all worked hard. Pam and I are making the amaryllis:
She is further ahead than I am, I am still tracing all of the pieces onto Steam a Seam Light, Laura is working on her Picnic quilt for her soon to be daughter-in-law:
Cheryl is working on her trees, this time I have a picture! I also have to show a picture of her cat--she has Mickey ears on her side, isn't she cute--they call them "cracked" Mickey ears!
Cathy is working on her heart quilt--which will be queen size when she is finished:
Cathy is also looking for a piece of fabric to finish her last quilt:
It is Robert Kaufman, Patrick Lose, Satinique Violet; if anyone has 1 yard or even fat quarters she would love to buy it, please let me know and I will get the information to her asap. She needs it to finish this quilt:
We miss Christine tonight--she isn't feeling up to par.
So, we all did work, and we all did get quite a bit done on our Spring Sewing Party--we made a real party of it, complete with Chinese food, pizza and homemade ice cream! Thank you Cheryl for a great time and great ice cream--butter pecan and chocolate! Pam brought a great cinnamon coffee cake--no lack of goodies here!
This week I will be working on the amaryllis, table runner and sending off the blocks! I hope that everyone had a wonderful Spring Sewing Party! Until tomorrow, happy quilting!