Monday, February 8, 2010

Let it rain,

let it rain, let it rain ( sung to the tune of "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"), because here in the central valley of California we don't get any snow. But we do get some rain.

You know how sometimes great things all seem to occur at around the same time? Well, this was the chain of events. Anna Maria Horner designs fabulous fabrics, and came out with a new laminated cotton, "baby bouquet berry." I'm also a sucker for polka dots and already had some "polka line raspberry."

And then Cynthia at fabricworm posted this picture on her blog,
along with a link to Meg, who made the raincoat for her. And it was just a matter of time before I got this in the mail Saturday, actually arriving during a downpour.

It's gorgeous. And it fits perfectly. Thanks, Meg!

And this super-cute polka dot mug? Total impulse buy from Barnes & Noble. It will actually live on my sewing table, but would look the best if I always carry it around with me while I'm wearing my new raincoat.