Monday, April 5, 2010

Meg's Asian block ready to move on!

Ohhhh.....I've been battling for an hour this morning to get these photos to go in the right order, but there seems to be no logic to loading pictures.   I can't waste any more time on this, it is what it is.  When Meg's Asian block arrived I was in awe of the stitching already completed by Rita and Darlene.  To start with Meg puts together beautifully pieced blocks with lovely material.  Her theme for the block was Arabian.  I searched the web for some inspiration and came up with a carpet, a mandella and a tile design. Above is the carpet on the block, and the inspiration carpet on the left. 

Next is an Arabian tile design which I duplicated on squared paper using one of Carole Samples templates.  The paper was great to keep the pattern straight.   The design is embroidered with gold thread and is quite delicate. 

The fabric next to the silky was covered in ferns printed in gold on the fabric I went over it in fly stitch with gold thread.   The mandella was also taken from an Arabian design which I did mostly in beads.  Next the block moves on to Nicki Lee who will work her magic!