Monday, April 5, 2010

Where Does the Time Go and Thank You!

It is amazing to me how fast time can fly by!  I have been so busy lately with my own children, work and holidays that I have not been posting much!  April and May already look pretty booked in!  I was trying to schedule a "Ladies Night Out" with some long standing friends and we had to opt for a Sunday Brunch--nothing wrong with that, but it is the only day in April we can all meet because of our busy schedules!  I also want to say Thank You for two great packages I have received in the mail!  First, my long ear bunny, Mr. Long Legs, ie "Pinky" from Sandi at A Legacy of Stitches and today a Grabbit Magnetic pincushion from Jean at Quilting Ranny.  That is pretty lucky if I do say so myself!  If you haven't visited those blogs, do stop by!  Sandi was the creator and organizer of the Bunny Hop that just finished and it was fantastic--thank you Sandi for all that you do!

I have been doing quilt related things--and even sewed some tonight, but there have been several days which I have missed----I can't believe it, I was doing so well sewing/quilting a little bit everyday since January 1st and getting so much finished.  Well, I am just going to jump back on the horse and get back to quilting a little everyday once again!

I went to a great quilt show with my friend Pam and took a few pictures which I will show, it will have to be tomorrow.  I have also sewn a few pillowcases, but didn't take pictures because I was too rushed to get them into Easter baskets and out the door--that is ok.

Until tomorrow, happy quilting!