Thursday, April 29, 2010

Who you callin' a fat quarter?

I love Australian fabric/pattern designers/quilters. This bag is courtesy of Shannon Lamden, AKA Aunty Cookie. "You'll find something you like. Or maybe not. No pressure. Your choice."

I'm sure I would purchase way too much stuff from these great artists, but  the postage is usually what prevents packages from Australia showing up in my mailbox very often. I guess that's a good thing...given my fabric obsession.

Fabric obsession...have I mentioned before that I'm fabric obsessed?  Or that I love getting the mail every day? Probably.

So when SewMamaSew had a fat quarter exchange during Quilt Month, you better believe I jumped on that bandwagon. And this is what has showed up in my mailbox this week so far, mostly from the East Coast.
I even got something in my virtual mailbox. Fat Quarterly launched their first issue on Tuesday.
Isn't that border awesome? I already have a quilt planned just based on the cover. Aqua, lots of funky squares, white sashing. Hmmm....I wonder if Aunty Cookie has anything in aqua.