Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thinking Out Loud

Lately I have noticed some Wordless Wednesday posts, no words, just pictures. Something like this.

Seems like I have been getting a lot of fabric deliveries in the last year, even though I already have stacks and stacks of fabric that needs to be sewn. I love looking at my fabric stash, and posting pictures of the new deliveries. And taking another look at what is already on the shelves. So I thought maybe just posting pictures on Wednesday would work. That way it could be a recent delivery. Or it could be a stack that has been waiting patiently on my shelf.

And there was that random comment last week about my goal of no new fabric purchases in the month of April. Was I just kidding? Well, if I don't shout out "Hey, look what came in the mail yesterday!!" no one besides me will really know if I'm able to keep that promise or not.


Except most of you who follow the new fabric lines as closely as I do. Now that could be somewhat of a problem.

About all my new fabric. I'm not really trying to justify my purchases, but it's been a weird and long year, culminating last week with the passing of my dear friend, Sue. Fabric therapy seemed to get me through. Fabric therapy. You know, spending a lot of time looking online at all the gorgeous new fabric lines, planning new quilts,taking your mind of things you don't really want to think about. For the therapy to really work, it seems I actually had to hit the "buy now" button. Sue and I spent a lot of time sewing, dreaming of new quilts, finishing projects. I will really miss all that shared quilting time. I think my next phase needs to be sewing therapy, working on some of the fabric I purchased in the last year.

Do fabric and quilting get you through the rough spots, too? One thing for sure. Sue started these beautiful Mariner's Compass blocks in her favorite color. They were really time consuming and she didn't get very many completed. In the coming year, I want to work on this project, either alone or with friends, because it will keep her close to me, and I need that right now.

In somewhat unrelated news, Allisa from Quiltish, one of my favorite blogging buddies, included my selvage edge pincushion in her tutorial pictures of how to make the cutest little toy bucket. Thanks, Allisa!

And  this arrived recently....or not (I'm not telling....) from Australia:
Shhh....it's almost Wednesday.