Monday, September 6, 2010

Computer is Fixed! One year of Blogging!!

Yeah, my computer was fixed and up and running Saturday!  It died a quick death the end of August, just as I was going back to school and I have been lost for over a week.  I was able to read messages at various places but could not blog or answer.  It was more painful to me than my computer!

Thank you so much to Brian who was able to quickly diagnose the problem and then install the new parts even quicker!  The poor tired computer needed a new PCI video card and a battery. 

It couldn't have decided to not work at a worse time!  I needed all of my school files to start the new year, I needed my Southford Falls Quilt Guild files, which begins again this Friday evening; and my BS Mother's Auxiliary files which begins again this Wednesday evening.  As President of MA, membership chair at Guild and just teaching, I was quickly going crazy to try to get enough together in case I would not have a working computer......thankfully, I am up and running and getting everything in order! 

I am also able to be back on my blog!  Today marks the one year anniversary of my blog and I didn't even think I would be posting yet!  I am putting together something for a giveaway to mark the occassion--so stayed tuned! 

I have a few things to get in order for blogging so I will work on that today and work that needs to be completed.  I will even try to get back to this post later today!

For now--it feels so good to be back--happy quilting!