Friday, September 17, 2010

Third time's a charm...sort of

Like a lot of you, I'm in a couple of bee swaps. This month's swap leader requested Drunkard's Path.

No problem. In my day, I have set in a lot of sleeves into garments, without any puckers, I might add.

In preparation, I even ordered a special foot, called the Curve Master, as it claims pinning the convex and concave pieces is unnecessary. I printed out the tutorial. I watched the video. Ready to go.

Wait a minute....this can't be right. I must have done something wrong...

Something is definitely wrong. No problem. I'll just try it again, this time without the Curve Master, and with pins. Carefully pinning the center, then both ends, and working my way back to the center.

I don't think so...I'll try it once more, pinning closer together this time.

Ugh. Still not right. (Question: would you keep me in your bee??)

Let me read those directions again. "Place those pieces together matching centers with the white on top. Pin from the center to the outer edges. You will have some little white hangovers on each side. This is okay."

Okay. Wait a minute. Where is that homemade pecan pie Mark brought me last night? I need sustenance.

Don't worry. This is not a full-sized pie. It is only 5" across, and I already ate about a fourth of it last night. But I know a couple of bites will give me the energy I need to try it again. Ran out of other "practice" fabric--(sure hope I don't need it for the sampler quilt-along I was using it for). Oh, well, I'll try this fabric.

Not too bad.

The real fabric pinned together. Feeling a little nervous...

Look! No puckers. Hmmmm...why is there more white fabric hanging over on one side than the other?

I probably need some more pie.

Tangent thought: are you a "geometric" eater? Do you like your pie/brownie edges nice and neat? I'll just eat trim that pie so it's a little neater as well...

There. Much better.

After the edges are trimmed and all four components put together...

Our bee partner said we only had to make one block, but I was kind of on a roll, so I sewed the rest of the parts together too...

Not bad. Maybe my bee partners will keep me after all. Now, where is the rest of that pecan pie?


The pie worked its magic, because then I turned around the did this (oops--sorry for the untrimmed threads--I was just happy to be done).