Wednesday, September 1, 2010

My tag for Tuesday Taggers

This week the theme is: Ours Is A Nice House Ours Is!This week we are sponsored by our friends at The Craft Barn

This is my tag, The Lords House (I dont remember the name of the church but it is beautiful) in Charleston, South CarolinaThis is my first try at trying to make a photo look like stained glass. I cant wait to see all the other Tuesday Taggers.
On another note,
I got a little caught up in entering challenges and forgot my main focus. My main focus is the Lord and I want everyone to know and those who dont know him I want them to just reach out and try to get to know him. I just want my visitors to know they can email me for prayer requests, please dont hesitate to email me, I will put you on my prayer list.
I am reminded of this verse today: Psalm 23:6 (New International Version)

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Of all the time I spent not knowing the Lord,unfortunately, that time is gone. A lady at my church says you just missed some blessings but be glad that you know him now.
So dont miss your blessings.
Have a great day.
Living in God's Graces,